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Fair enough but in the real of arguments there's definitely more breathing room for willpower being actual canonical power than Luffy and Zoro can flex muscles harder than Kaido.
I understand but it still feels like a very convenient magical power. at least with gear power-ups Oda had to use his imagination. I honestly would have Luffy finding another way to use his devil fruit with a new gear over this magic willpower stuff
If Luffys progression was decent

We wouldnt be complaining as much as we are doing now
Confused though, what is wrong with his progression? We see him lose to Kaido in the beginning of the arc. We see him train for 2 weeks regarding advanced CoA. We see him finally hurt Kaido in chapter 1000 with this application. We see him nearly STILL get 1 shot several times (to which he technically gets knocked unconscious in 2 cases), consistent with Kaido's strength.

Are people upset about AdCoC? Yes, it is something Luffy learned mid fight, but its a complete callback to Rayleigh's conversation with Luffy and how haki blooms in battle, along with the fact that:

- Luffy is a master at learning new tricks mid fight by observation (see how he explains how G2 was made up or how he got around Enel's mantra).

- AdCoC is just a larger overall application of AdCoA. It's another level. He simply applied that level to something he's already had.
Adam-San , I love Luffy , top 3 fav but this progression from Barely beating Katakuri to Splitting the sky in a equal clash against a yonko is wild.

It would have been a little forgivable if Luffy didn’t just get low diff by Kaido in 1013
You must have skipped the entirety of the Wano arc then? Natural progression is YC1 to Yonko level. There is no in between. In case you haven’t noticed, Luffy always gets his ass kicked at the beginning of an arc. Look at Enies Lobby as an example. He and Zoro got their asses kicked by Rob Lucci in a matter of seconds. Luffy wasn’t in the right mindset against Kaido as he never used FS in their initial encounter. He was devestated as his crew had been blown to bits.
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