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I'm still in disbelief that Peros and Jack are treated offscreen, looking forward to the full spoilers drastically changing what we have with the initial spoilers.
The way Oda has treated these characters, especially Jack's subplot with the minks, is the worst kind of amateurish. It's objectively bad writing and one of his lowest points as an author right now.
Not directed towards me i know, but i'm too busy doing week to week with Love is war, as i've been caught up with it for literal months (up to date), then i have Vinland saga and jujutsu kaisen as well...and mha too, and to top it off, I'm all caught up with those too:josad:, damn, and one punch man too! Fucking hell, when is the next chapter of opm coming out damn it, it's been months.


Zoro Worshipper
You literally said to me that Usopp sniping Spandam and not getting a 1v1 was not worth it. You've been complaining about the lack of 1v1 fights for certain characters. Do you not remember the conversation we just had like an hour ago lol?
I think you are the one who needs to recheck his stuff because I did never claim something like that lol.

I was referencing about the numbers lol. That has nothing to do with the 1v1s characters may have. Not sure what kind of conflated logic you used to derive something so convoluted omg.

You know fully well the plot payoff for the MC is entirely different vs a tertiary character like Carrot. Carrot also tried to beat Peros, she just wasn't strong enough, so this observation doesn't make any sense.

Luffy is going to fight Akainu lol
I think Luffy will have a quick fight against Akainu, in which Luffy displays that he is clearly substantially stronger than Akainu, which would be poetic since at MF, Luffy looked way too weak in front of Akainu, and in their next confrontation, Luffy will make Akainu look like the helpless one. Note that when I say “helpless”, I don’t mean that the strength gap will be as big as it was between MF Luffy and Akainu. I’m talking more like a mid diff amount of difficulty. However, Imu will be doing something dastardly that needs to be stopped/interrupted ASAP, so Sabo will take over for Luffy so that Luffy won’t have to waste time with Akainu
I don’t care about this shit anymore lol. Admirals are trash, Yonko are trash, Straw Hats are trash, this whole manga is trash in my eyes. Not a single shit is given about Disney Piece or Eichillo Frauda.

I dropped this shit when Yamato was fighting on par with Kaido, at that point it was clear One Piece is being written by fanfiction writers with no clue how to tell a functioning story.
When reality hits that Yamato isn't as trash as some thought


When were you under the impression this game is..
I don’t care about this shit anymore lol. Admirals are trash, Yonko are trash, Straw Hats are trash, this whole manga is trash in my eyes. Not a single shit is given about Disney Piece or Eichillo Frauda.

I dropped this shit when Yamato was fighting on par with Kaido, at that point it was clear One Piece is being written by fanfiction writers with no clue how to tell a functioning story.
Holy shit man, i agree that the story is a mess but damn i didnt know it pissed you off to this point.
Return to chapters in 1006, note that the Oda simply spend more than 1/3 of the 17 pages of a chapter to build a dramatic moment around the apparent death of Hyogoro (which did not work, because in this chapter even much of the fandom already knew that Hyogoro would not die). And in the next chapter (1007), the entire plot over Hyogoro's death is simply thrown away, proving to be completely irrelevant and unnecessary as it doesn't impact the war in any way.

I feel the right to get extremely angry at the Oda spending pages and pages with plots like this, or like the plots of Tama, or the mother so the plot of Big Mom ... When, at the time, that really should devote more, mainly in fights like Jack Vs Inu and Neko Vs Peros where there is a certain dramatic charge due to the "revenge" theme... the FDP goes and only us shows a fight conclusion without meaning or great impact.
The fights are really off-Paneled…
What the fuck is this shit?!?

Dear lord… after Roftoop piece this arc has been steadily going downhill (except for Robin vs Black Maria). I’m so disappointed I’m not even giving a shit about the “Sky spitting” scene.
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