Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

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Should Sanji grow wings in the future?

I think yes.

1. Character wise
- Sanji has long been giving himself demonic titles, “I’ll be the demon of the blue sea” “Diable Jambe” “God makes the food but the devil makes the spices” so a true pair of wings like Kings would be very fitting character wise to fit this demonic and devil look.

2. Power wise
- Wings will be able to do more than add a simple aesthetic, they’ll cover Sanjis main weakness while simultaneously boosting his strength. Sanjis main weakness is his inability to use his hands. He can’t use his hands or arms to block as such he puts all that strain on his legs. A pair of wings could be used to block and repel attacks while coated with armament haki (similar to how the germa cape works now) and frees up Sanjis legs for counter attacking. It’ll also speed up his flight by allowing his legs and wings to work in tandem for faster flight (similar to how the boosters work)

3. Design wise
- It’d be badass

4. Future portrayal wise
- Sanjis final fights will likely all have a “divine” type of feel to them. Look at Blackbeard he’s either fighting Jesus or the man who endows himself with crosses and can grow wings like an Angel. Look at the marines, he’s likely to fight Ryokugyu, you know Green Bull. (For those that don’t know the calf is one of the original “holy idols” which became known as the sin of the bull in Judaism and Christianity as well as Bull worship being decently common in many cultures)
If he's a Lunarian/has Lunarian DNA, definitely. It will also allow him to save his energy, as Sky Walk drains his endurance since he needs to keep kicking the air constantly to fly, which is a bit of an issue for someone like Sanji who relies entirely on his legs to fight.

For those who are interested, I imagined an interesting backstory for Sora which would explain Sanji being a Lunarian. Mind you, this isn't really a theory nor something I believe in. Rather, it's what I'd consider a good development for Sanji's future power up. So here we go :

Sometimes around 40 years ago, when Sora was still a child living in the "Kingdom of Gods", the Tenryubito with the help of the World Government invaded the kingdom to wipe out all its inhabitants. King wasn't the only survivor, Sora managed to escape as well but was now on her own with nowhere to go. As she was just a child, her wings hadn't developed yet so luckily she was able to go unnoticed, wandering from place to place with no purpose.

One day, a very well dressed boy who looked like a noble noticed her. His name was Judge Vinsmoke. They became friends and he brought her with him to Germa Kingdom. Years later, when the scientific team called MADS discovered the Lineage Factor, the Marines were sent to capture them. Judge tried to fight them on his own but got heavily wounded. Sora, being under huge sress and pregnant with Reiju, unconsciously conjured fire and burned down the whole place. She then grew her Lunarian wings instantly and flew away with Judge.

Once they're safe, Sora decided to go under surgery to get rid of her wings. She also convinced Judge to find a way to supress their unborn daughter's Lunarian genes to protect her from the Wolrd Government, which he sucessfully did. Then 3 years later, when Sora got pregnant with the quadruplets, instead of simply suppressing their Lunarian genes, Judge decided to overwrite them to turn his sons into super soldiers. When Sora took a drug to counteract the effects of Judge's modifications, it only worked on Sanji, which led to him retaining his Lunarian genes.

Hope you liked my little fanfic. :milaugh:


Talent is something you make bloom.
I second that. I've been holding hope that this arc is going to be the best in One Piece but it's very midd so far and I don't think it's going to get better inspite of what may transpire next. :sighting:
I'm gonna read Sanji's fight, then I'll probably give One Piece a break.
I have 0 interest in Zoro vs King.
0 interest in Big Mom's fight.
Mild interest in the final fight against Kaido due to Yamato. So because of that, I can take a break until it REALLY goes down after Meme is dealt with.
I feel like King only exists for the sake of being Queen’s equal and Zoro’s fight. So Oda can just show Zoro and Sanji fighting together against equal opponents. Other than that he serves no other purpose which is why he was off-panelled for how long and served in like 1 plotline.
Yeah, even his most propably Lunarian lineage is addressed by Queen instead of the man himself. He's just been mostly absent or playing background not playing any significant role by himself that adds something to the plot or progress events.

If we'll ever get to his backstory I fully expect it to come from Queen's flashback instead of King who'll instead be staring blankly into space by the side.
Yeah, even his most propably Lunarian lineage is addressed by Queen instead of the man himself. He's just been mostly absent or playing background not playing any significant role by himself that adds something to the plot or progress events.

If we'll ever get to his backstory I fully expect it to come from Queen's flashback instead of King who'll instead be staring blankly into space by the side.
I mean Queen is set to appear in the Vegapunk flashback along with Judge and Ceaser…so hes deffo gonna be seen again after Wano. Oda likes Queen too much for him to completely disappear.

And yh the one aspect I didnt like about Queen was that he was ugly and uncool, and he had a shit DF. But now his Hybrid is amazing with all the Doc Ock enhancements, so im completely satisfied with Queen. Even more so cause Oda hasnt shown any King > Queen potrayal. With Queen actually having the better feats.

Now all we need is Sanji to use AMKC on Queen once in beautiful double spread panel. Potentially against Hybrid Hakied Brachio Bomber.
Sanji’s new PU is gonna be really exciting. With everything shown its highly likely to be one of Judge’s enahncements. So I dont think it will be a DJ powerup but DJ will be incorporated into his PU.

Judge wanted Sanji to have the power of invisibility. Now the RS is possibly triggering his base power to be invisible that was dormant in him. Now with that if he incorporates it with DJ, possibly somehow it becomes stronger ? Idk.

Black haired Sanji maybe possible. But he wont lose his emotions since Sora’s Drug is in him. If he loses his emotions, he loses DJ as well anyways.
She also convinced Judge to find a way to supress their Lunarian genes
I like the idea Sora asking Judge to remove their genes once he and Vegapunk discovered LF but Judge also being power hungry to make them into soldiers. That's a good twist.

I'm subscribed to Vegapunk being the one who gave Sora the drug to stop Judge modifications so when we see VP, he'll be able to explain everything to Sanji.