That's East Germany in a nutshell lol
the east is the only part of germany that maintained a little bit of itself. lets hope they never cave in.
Watch. The EU will fall apart. Its basic tribalism.
as it should
Got nothing to do with what I said tho
we never learn from past mistakes. the EU is one of those mistakes. if you did not notice the EU promotes socialism.
So what would have been your advice to Yugoslavia then to 'keep the country together'? Conquer every enthnicity in there, manipulate their identities unttil they feel like 'Yugoslavians' as their ethnicity?
thats what Yugoslavia was. before it crumbled. the solution is what you have right now. the ethnic groups have their own space.
Russia is pretty much the same thing as Yugoslavia. theres no one russian. theres multiple ethnicities living under the same roof. the advantage russia has is that its so vast. you still get tension with groups such as chechens.
kids are already some of the worst racists
always the fault of the "racist"...
has anyone asked those kids if they would want to have a fuckton of foreigners move in? no?
the east is like it is because they still have first hand experience of what socialism was like. they reject it and everything that is associated with it. even 30 years of heavy indoctrination has not changed that and this is a very good thing. its too bad west germany is too conceited to realize that.
I will give you an example. in spring the east had worse COVID case numbers than the west. the media blamed it on them being AfD (muh raycists) voters etc. the general blame the stupid nazi stick.
now come fall and the case numbers in the east are way better then the west. but what does the media do? still AfD voters the reason? of course not. now its something else entirely. the east is older and less mobile hurr dee durr.
and the entire west of germany is gobbeling this shit up and does not even second guess it. absolute state of germany.
this is getting too much off topic I need to stop...
And Europe will never allied wit Russia because of historical and political reason..
Its pretty clear the US will fall apart sometime.
it really does seem that way. its a true wonder how a nation where one half is constantly at the others throat even made it so far.
the lynchpin will be the dollar. dept default in octobre? yeah no.