Strongest YC1

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
The difference is any admiral would have died to Ashura. So they wouldn't be fighting Luffy in this case. They would be burying them.

The Admirals can take planetary attacks without even bruises lol. Shanks almost died to the Lord of the Coast. Pretty sure Asura would kill Shanks so badly that Ben Beckmann would drop dead just by association.
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Yamato literally says Kaido is weakened, what is the problem with this? Lol
yea HE SHOULD be weakend and this also proves that kaido's condition is reflected on his clouds..

so basically when Kaido is defeated Onigashima will fall unless Momo does something about

atm after all he has tanked he's just loosing a bit of grip.. And @Seth my dood it proves my hunch that yamato was able to land blows on kaido coz kaido's initial wounds and bruises with exhaustion are kicking in


Zoro Worshipper
So? Kamazou was matching Zoro's combat speed, so was Denjiro. A casual secret ally Denjiro vs. an enraged Zoro. Apoo matched Zoro's speed to until he got cheap shotted. Have you seen Pica being blitzed by Zoro? Me too not.

So please, don't construct some lightspeed speed for Zoro that doesn't exist.
Is this really comrade? You look particularly confused man.

Zoro's combat speed is not superseding King's, despite he is supposed to have turned extensively fast.

Base Kaido blitzed G4 Boundman and Base Kaido's combat speed under Thunder Bagua is perhaps bypassing Snakeman's. Hybrid Kaido should be even better than that that wise.

Hybrid Kaido under Thunder Bagua is massively more proficient than what serves to break through Katakuri's FS.

Now obviously even without super fast attacks he would still "bypass" his FS, Zoro's Base doesn't seem incapable to react to Hybrid Kaido, not at all, but King doesn't seem too much less fast than that.

It's not that complicated.


Pell says flying devil fruits, not flying pirates. Otherwise Fuji, Kizaru, Kaido, Big Mom, Ceasar, Doflamingo, etc... Would count. Each one uses their powers to help them fly.
Remember that woman from baroque works who could change her weight? She could technically fly too
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