Strongest YC1

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Is this really comrade? You look particularly confused man.

Zoro's combat speed is not superseding King's, despite he is supposed to have turned extensively fast.

Base Kaido blitzed G4 Boundman and Base Kaido's combat speed under Thunder Bagua is perhaps bypassing Snakeman's. Hybrid Kaido should be even better than that that wise.

Hybrid Kaido under Thunder Bagua is massively more proficient than what serves to break through Katakuri's FS.

Now obviously even without super fast attacks he would still "bypass" his FS, Zoro's Base doesn't seem incapable to react to Hybrid Kaido, not at all, but King doesn't seem much less fast than that.

It's not that complicated.
No, you are confusing things. Zoro could blitz King with Oni Giri, yet Zoro didn't immediately blitz Killer, nor Denjiro. Their finisher moves are super fast, yes, but their general speed of combat isn't as ridiculously high as you try to make it in order to justify Katakuri's FS just not working.

Again: Thunder Bagua is perhaps the fastest attack we know right now. Base Luffy partially dodged it due to future sight, Katakuri is not only much faster, he can shape shift. Saying King outspeeds Katakuri is just based on some weird equation.

Gol D. Roger

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So youre using zoro feats such as withstand hakai for 1 second and getting seriously injured, and zoro‘s ultimate attack that couldnt even make kaido fall?…thats why u couldnt put him significantly above other YC1s cuz i bet they all could withstand hakai for 1 second too. Not to mentioned how easy for them to failed in making kaido fall
Post-Udon Luffy's factually above all known YCs who fought on the panel, and he's more physically capable than most if not all of them; the only possible exception for this rule, that I can think of, is Jozu due to his diamond defense and his abnormal physical power. Jozu excels in defense and defense alone. Zoro may have only stopped it for long enough for his team to escape, but he still stopped it while even Luffy couldn't, and that's just one area where Zoro exceeds commanders. His endurance is also far above all YC level characters. I need not even explain how high his AP is.

That's 3 areas where Zoro is comparable to if not better than the YCs who dominate in those areas. If this doesn't prove Zoro is beyond YCs when all YCs became YCs only by dominating one of these 3 categories, then I don't know what would.
Oh look, the basement dwelling virgin who mashes F5 waiting for me to insult his most precious Yonko has arrived lmfao.

The Admirals can take planetary attacks without even bruises lol. Shanks almost died to the Lord of the Coast. Pretty sure Asura would kill Shanks so badly that Ben Beckmann would drop dead just by association.
Why do you always have to project your loser life onto me? :kobeha: Get help kid. Hell, try using insults more creative insults than the generic 13 year old 4chan ones you seem to be copying :denzimote:

"planetary attacks" :suresure: One of WB's weakest attacks put that runt Sakazuki on the ground. And why are you talking about Shanks? He made your precious admirals run back home. All that absolute justice rubbish went out of the window real quick when Shanks said step up or go home:endthis:
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