Strongest YC1

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I feel a huge issue with the Queen Vs Sanji matchup is that it's hard to justify Sanji Tanking Queen's lasers or even headbutts meaning that unless if Sanji gets a massive durability powerup he flatout isn't gonna be touched in the entire fight
I mean Queen's Brachio Bomber already has hype. If he can potentially have one in Hybrid thats stronger due to cybrog enhancements and haki.....Sanji tanking that would be an insane feat.
OK on serious note :
You don't need racist slurs to be racist toward someone who doesn't have same human features : skintone, hair type , language etc.. as you.

There's subtle racism which can be shown via jokes, gestures, attitudes, art, movies...
It may sound cool and not serious but the person is actually sending a bad message & image to people's subconscious & consciousness.

I dont mind jokes but since it's a huge forum, you can't tell if someone has that sweet racism that's why I can't take some jokes from certain users whom I know are already toxic.

This is my final reply to anyone who quoted me or tried to talk me down.

Good post

Oda is shady tho... I think he really has some hate on women as fighters lol no way someone who's progressive writes female characters like this
I disliked you before now i realize why, freedom hating Karl Marx Leftie, degenerate, beliving in the propaganda of Mainstream Media of Everything IQ has been droping in the west for 50 years since the 60s cultural revolution and we are Devolving. Instead of science and Philosophy in school we are thought LGBTQ nonsense. Schools in the west are indoctrination prisons. You are the product of that, your mind is in the Matrix prison, and the media and schools are feeding to you what to belive.
The best feat even if all the scene was pretty gang and funny (also pretty inconsistent by Oda) was against Big Mom.
He was scarred to death, he got used as a punch guy, and made Big Mom indirectly unconscious,
I know that part of the prison was pure trash but that what happen.
So the best feat for Queen was that skull attack :milaugh:
He cracked the skull of the most durable human being:kayneshrug:

If Brachio Bomber were to land on anyone else their spine would be snapped.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
@Finalbeta @Zowo
They 100% right Sanji is a racist white supermacit who wa raised by nazi and only fight and simp white people!
He rasict pieces of shit and a transphobe scum!!!
Notice how he only ever simp white gals and fight white people like the little nazi he is
And don't bring Jinn - did you heard about the white saviour complex? It's just prove how racist he is!!!
Sanji is literally the worse!
He also want bang fishes and furries which show he isn't just racist nazi scumabg he also a degenerate!
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