Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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I'm talking about Zoro's first attack. King was bleeding from it. While King's divine bow made Zoro bleed.

Just because King used his Zoan power to over power Zoro in there last cash doesn't mean he is winning. King failed to knock Zoro off the Island.
You are arguing something entirely different from what I'm talking about.

The point is, Zoro and Sanji's fights with the calamities have been portrayed similarly. Both struck the calamities and made them bleed in 1022. Both traded blows with the calamities in 1023 multiple times. Both are seemingly on the losing side of their fights currently these past 2 chapters (until they get stronger).

That's all in saying. It's massive bias to sit here and say Queen has the upper hand on Sanji any more than King does to Zoro. It's been equal portrayal thus far, and im saying to wait until the summary and pics release before making more judgements on it.

Wonderful World

Imo, SSG is related more to the Marines than WG, so I'm not 100% sure the SSG will follow through with coming to Wano at this point. I'm also not sure how much more Oda wants to escalate this main conflict. Bringing in too many antagonists will forcibly make Oda have to figure out a way out of it or add even more content than what's already here.

For example, if you add SSG now, how do you stop them? Does Oda downplay them by pushing them back? How can they pose an actual threat here if they aren't meant to lose? This is actually my concern right now for CP-0. I figure they last through the final war and fight the Revolutionaries, but this chapter seems to suggest they will at least run into the strawhats. If that's the case, do the Strawhats downplay and beat CP-0? Is that good or bad? How does CP-0 back off?

On top of this, BMP is already a lingering threat (which SHOULD be defeared).

Imo, the person that healed the scabbards is Kanjuro's real form. Reason I think this is the case is because Kanjuro was there almost immediately, and said person disappeared for no reason and hasn't shown up again. I 100% think Kanjuro is going to get redeemed and his real self doesn't actually want the scabbards to die.

And yes I think Kin is alive, primarily to set up what I said above
Good points, though I almost feel like we'll have more outside parties showing up to take advantage of the conflict.

Regarding CP-0 I don't think they'll straight-up fight the Strawhats at this point—or they could since Lucci's might take advantage of things—but instead clash briefly before retreating. But, like you said I don't know how that would play out.

As for Kanjuro, I don't care if he gets reformed or not. Anyone that beats children in any form of media is a piece of shit to me.

I want Kin'emon to survive. I'm one of the few people who prefer him joining over Yamato and this is only for us to have a swordsman trio, which would be cool.
considering the entire crew is gonna achieve Sanji's dream without even wanting, while only Zoro will achieve his...

i don't know about that

unless you think only Sanji will find it, and the rest of the crew won't see it
Actually Sanji dream definitely harder. That all blue shit seems hard has hell to find and you probably have to destroy the red line.
technically genetic engineered humans are called cybors.. but then we have to change the definition.. coz then momo and Killer are cyborgs as well since they ate artifice DF..

so there is no point in calling sanji a cyborg..

the definition of a cyborg in OP is machines +human..

germa nibbas were only called modified humans
You are a cyborg also, if you ever made a vaccine gg for you.
Sanji has

- flames powers better than a Logia
- durability and regen better than a Zoan
- flight and possibly invisibility better than a paramecia

And he can still swim….

Sanji himself is the Ultimate DF:steef:

I want to eat the Sanji Sanji no Mi:josad:
head to kamabaka the land of homo's
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