
Drake got finished this Raid getting stalled by that annoying snitch Apoo
The coolest Tobi Roppo shafted by the weakest Supernova
Drake vs Lucci would be BOSS
But Revolutionaries have a greater stake than X Drake who won't risk revealing himself for protecting ppl as trivial as the strawhats
Follow me for a sec
Robin is fainted and carried by Brook, they are evacuating the castle
Nami and Usopp are evacuating the castle
Jimbe is evacuating the castle
Franky is going to the Live Floor
Won't take long before they regroup on the Live Floor and make a resume of the situation, what to do now to be helpful, how to act etc... That's when imo Drake will be finished with Apoo and get contact with the SHs (especially if CP0 intervenes at that point to get Big Target Robin).
My point is that if CP0 makes a move during the war (and not post war) then they gonna do it right when the SHs are on the point of regrouping, cause that would rafforce theor coesione even more.
Drake stopping Lucci would be GOATED, and would likely act as the Lone Force (reference ti CH. 990) who holds Lucci...