Current Sanji’s durability is insane now tbh. I heard someone say the reason that Queen’s sword broke was that Sanji was just a harder substance. That maybe true….but the degree of hardness is out of this world when you look at it. When a swordman tries to cut something harder than their AP can do…..their sword wont break. You can see this with the start of Zoro vs Kaku/Mr 1. Zoro never broke his swords when trying to cut them, even though they were uncutable to him at that point.
Oda with the flashback this chap quite clearly showed us the difference between Hybrid Queen’s AP and Sanji’s durability. And its this.
Sanji’s durability is so damn high now that the difference between him and Queen, is like Kid Sanji’s AP against his Steel Brothers. I mean even sword break scene is remade.
Its literally quite insane durability to make a Hybrid Ancient Zoan with sword have AP that is fodder tier to you. Only a person like Big Mom could replicate this. But even then it would be a high quality feat for her.
Queen’s attack to current Sanji is no different to a slap from Nami to WCI Sanji….