Who will be the next Strawhat

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Do you even know the definition of "passing of torch" and its usage in literature?

Yes and that's what happening here. Make an effort. Please, Don't make me explain how Oda is constantly subtexting his chapter. Even a 12 year old know how to do this kind of analysis.
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Oh no, I'm shaking in my boots:milaugh: Don't be so full of yourself.
Why shouldn't I be? I trust and I'm proud of my skills.
So it should be easy for you to understand the simplicity of it, I'm not deconstructing Kubrick here
Yeah, easy for me to understand that it's nonsense. There's not nearly enough connecting your ideas. You're taking two scenes that aren't even slightly related and saying they're connected, then making a conclusion based on it that wouldn't even be reasonable if the scenes were connected to begin with.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
What i'm pointing out is not that Carrot is REintroduced at the same chapter that Vivi is REintroduced. I'm pointing out that Vivi is REintroduced at the lookout. Which is not something random but a active narrative feet from Oda:

If I had to make a quick analysis of the chapter:

Oda is making a stand about a world in movement through the eyes of the lookout(s)!

FIrst by beginning the chapter through the eyes of Vivi on the look out post looking at her freedom, he then put the world in movement and make it shine through the eyes of Carrot and then go back to another news through the eyes of Pedro at the look out post !

This is what I'm talking about when I say that Oda is putting the look out at the center of this chapter. This was a magnificiant One Piece chapter, pure storytelling through milking.
Something like that never happened for the other SHs so why would Oda do something completely different just for Carrot?
Pedro wasn't even dead at that point. nor did we hear anything regarding his history on whole cake island.
Because this chapter is only a setup. it ancres Pedro as the lookout of the strawhats. This only PREPARES the future REAL passage of torch. This is why I'm talking about the passage from Vivi to Pedro... THEN to Carrot. All chapters have to been taken in context.

Something like that never happened for the other SHs so why would Oda do something completely different just for Carrot?
You didn't observe well. In fact. Oda is always using the story and the subtext to enhance the introduction of the future crewmate, sometimes it's simple, sometimes it's not obvious at all.

My favourite example is Robin.

Robin isn't just a archeologist, she is the CAP giver. Because of her, we know the direction to take, she is in sort of a guide.. Like christopher Colombus on the santa Maria. She the extra character that will give purpose to every one else.

Funny enough, Oda used the subtext of Chapter 114, to put Robin for the first time in charge of the Cap. This charge will be refused by Luffy at first, but Robin was genuine. She actually gave her the safe road.. oh and funny enough.. the chapter is called "Shinro " or "the road"

Oda is always doing this, you just have to observe. Chapter 823 was quite a simple example of that

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
You didn't observe well. In fact. Oda is always using the story and the subtext to enhance the introduction of the future crewmate, sometimes it's simple, sometimes it's not obvious at all.

My favourite example is Robin.

Robin isn't just a archeologist, she is the CAP giver. Because of her, we know the direction to take, she is in sort of a guide.. Like christopher Colombus on the santa Maria. She the extra character that will give purpose to every one else.

Funny enough, Oda used the subtext of Chapter 114, to put Robin for the first time in charge of the Cap. This charge will be refused by Luffy at first, but Robin was genuine. She actually gave her the safe road.. oh and funny enough.. the chapter is called "Shinro " or "the road"

Oda is always doing this, you just have to observe. Chapter 823 was quite a simple example of that
I politely ask, what the hell are even talking about anymore?
Yes chapter 8/28 and 823 are linked, that's why that not the same chapter.

I'm talking about a VIRTUAL passage of torch that takes place in chapter 823 from VIvi to Pedro.. through Carrot, constructed only to prepare the real passage of torch in chapter 828 when Carrot switch her post
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I politely ask, what the hell are even talking about anymore?
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And subtext.
"Symbolic" if you prefer lol
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There is subtext in almost every chapters in One Piece, another example of that, is in my fav chapter of whole cake : 888 - Lion

This time the subtext revolves around the theme of "observation" and is all about the look out position.

The chapter begin with a eye duel between Luffy and Katakuri.. then we get some joke on some canon who can't make the difference between allies and ennemies, then we continue with Perospero noticing a change in Big Mom, we end up with a double page of what Carrot can actually see. The faction are starting to observe eachothers and Carrot break the glass by saying "let me do it I can be usefull".

From this moment, the paradigm changes : Carrot stare at the moon and she who was watching become suddenly the attention of the vision of everybody else.

The transformation shot is the pick of that chapter with Chopper making a statement and with not one, not two, but THREE different shot of Carrot on the same page.

We get the comments "what a sigh" "she looks beautiful" etc.

We get a panel of the look out ennemy who witnessed the transformation of Carrot

Then Carrot watches a last time the ennemy (we see her back and all the fleet in front of her) and she ATTACKS.

This time Chopper will be the one noticing her. You have to notice that until then, Chopper was pretty much oblivious to the talent of Carrot, calling her "his little sister", being patronizing, this chapter uses a famous trope, the "sudden power of the girl witnessed by the man" (I don't know the exact name). Chopper takes conscience that his little sister is not so helpless after all.

Of course the Sulong form is so fast that it renders any observation impossible.. the men are slaughtered.

And finally we finish on daifuku's men witnessing only after the fact that their helm has been stolen and the sentence : "that little girl!!"

It's no surprising that the theme of "observation" is all over this chapter. This is a Carrot chapter, her role is the look-out. For one instant, Carrot became the sources of the wonder she loves so much.

This is what I mean by subtext, sometime it's obvious, sometimes it's not. but it's always in the service of the story. This was a truly magnificiant chapter, go check it out.
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You didn't observe well. In fact. Oda is always using the story and the subtext to enhance the introduction of the future crewmate, sometimes it's simple, sometimes it's not obvious at all.

My favourite example is Robin.

Robin isn't just a archeologist, she is the CAP giver. Because of her, we know the direction to take, she is in sort of a guide.. Like christopher Colombus on the santa Maria. She the extra character that will give purpose to every one else.

Funny enough, Oda used the subtext of Chapter 114, to put Robin for the first time in charge of the Cap. This charge will be refused by Luffy at first, but Robin was genuine. She actually gave her the safe road.. oh and funny enough.. the chapter is called "Shinro " or "the road"

Oda is always doing this, you just have to observe. Chapter 823 was quite a simple example of that
Yeah, but wasn't Robin a major character throughout the alabasta arc? Didn't she save Luffy twice in that. Didn't she Know something about the will of D? Didn't Luffy save her life when she wishes to die? Furthermore her past was talk about by the marines and smoker. Luffy accepted her joining the crew because she was a good person. Her next arc afterwards she was major character telling the other characters there was island in the sky. In the skypia arc she at least had her own fight that wasn't off screen. While carrot is the opposite that regard. Towards the end of skypia when she read the poneglaphs roger somehow was able Carve his marking that he was here.

When we enter water 7 and Enies Lobby it would end up being a story centric arc that focus on robin Where is Carrot story centric arc is non existent. All the enemies that had personal ties to carrot have already been dealt with by Kinemon, Cat viper and dogstorm. So, There is no motivation for her continue path with the strawhats. While Yamato at least has personal enemy. If luffy does defeat Kaido she has proper motivation to continue working alongside with Luffy and rest strawhats She at least doing an important part with in the arc without her involvement the entire crew and alliance are dead
(Sorry I had to finish) That is also what I'm talking about when I say that impacts of chapter never fade away. There was a reason for Oda to put the Mugiwara shining action in this chapter, there was a reason for him to put Carrot into the light through her look out position.

When we look the chapter in context, we observe that this chapter is in direct parrallel with the action of Jinbe who saved the strawhat a few chapter ago.

Jinbe and Carrot are not the last two strawhats for nothing, they are complementary. One represent the Sun, the other the moon. One represent the abnegation of the age the other the wonder of the youth. One leave in the abyss, the other in the sky. One is blue, the other is yellow, one swim the other fly, ones uses water, the other electricity.

And both - like I said - are on the volume side cover for a reason. Those two action are complementary.
"Symbolic" if you prefer lol
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There is subtext in almost every chapters in One Piece, another example of that, is in my fav chapter of whole cake : 888 - Lion

This time the subtext revolves around the theme of "observation" and is all about the look out position.

The chapter begin with a eye duel between Luffy and Katakuri.. then we get some joke on some canon who can't make the difference between allies and ennemies, then we continue with Perospero noticing a change in Big Mom, we end up with a double page of what Carrot can actually see. The faction are starting to observe eachothers and Carrot break the glass by saying "let me do it I can be usefull".

From this moment, the paradigm changes : Carrot stare at the moon and she who was watching become suddenly the attention of the vision of everybody else.

The transformation shot is the pick of that chapter with Chopper making a statement and with not one, not two, but THREE different shot of Carrot on the same page.

We get the comments "what a sigh" "she looks beautiful" etc.

We get a panel of the look out ennemy who witnessed the transformation of Carrot

Then Carrot watches a last time the ennemy (we see her back and all the fleet in front of her) and she ATTACKS.

This time Chopper will be the one noticing her. You have to notice that until then, Chopper was pretty much oblivious to the talent of Carrot, calling her "his little sister", being patronizing, this chapter uses a famous trope, the "sudden power of the girl witnessed by the man" (I don't know the exact name). Chopper takes conscience that his little sister is not so helpless after all.

Of course the Sulong form is so fast that it renders any observation impossible.. the men are slaughtered.

And finally we finish on daifuku's men witnessing only after the fact that their helm has been stolen and the sentence : "that little girl!!"

It's no surprising that the theme of "observation" is all over this chapter. This is a Carrot chapter, her role is the look-out. For one instant, Carrot became the sources of the wonder she loves so much.

This is what I mean by subtext, sometime it's obvious, sometimes it's not. but it's always in the service of the story. This was a truly magnificiant chapter, go check it out.
Is this a joke? You can make this "analysis" about literally any chapter in One Piece. All you did was count every time a character saw something.
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