Okay, Kanjuro still up is shockinng to me….Lol
Apoo wasn’t defeated by Drake despite his injuries

And now he’s turning….hmm, I guess I respect Hawkins more… cause at least he stuck with his own decision despite having regrets… maybe he will change later, but he saw through the end of his decision at least
while Apoo who was the guy who set up the alliance in first place, turns just like that….
Last chapter we saw him vs Drake… there was no sign at all he would turn, and now it just happened!
kinda disappointed…
Kid and Law awakened power… Look promising…
So, Law’s awakening is his room this time allows him to hurt the inside and not only the outside surface of the body with his slashes and swords? Cause I don’t believe it’s Gamma knife here… I think it’s just room + sword to affect the inside
Kid turns people and sorrounding objects to a magnet, may result in him burrying her with lots of weight and lots of attacks can just keep on coming at her