An explosion caused by King or straight up out of nowhere?

Sanji finally asking the real question here. Took long enough.

I was hoping for a good answer from Queen but all I got was this:

So even Zoro's main finishing move didn't do jack to King?

So couple or all of Zoro's swords fall of the island which indicates Zoro got defeated? Usually when swordsman doesn't hold on to their weapons in a duel proves that either that person got defeated or incapable of fighting for a while. Let's see how this plays out.

I don't know. Maybe they suddenly grows legs and walks by itself?

Didn't Gyukimaru explained something similar like this already?
So does that applies to every swords or just Kitetsu only?


So Enma is indeed alive?

Did Zoro fall back to the dome or something?

Zoro to King:

You go Zoro.

Great stuff.