What is King’s real name?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
I know right, Imagine I am a guy who beat up this boxer and end up having respect for him. Even saying that there will be no other boxer like him.

In comes this other boxer and he hurts me before falling, and I make no comment or call back to what I said before.

Conclusion: 2nd boxer surpassed the first.

It makes perfect sense to be honest.
So King is not even a name that he decided?

Kaido literally names the poor guy ''call yourself King'', how pathetic is that? No wonder King is the weakest YC1 alongside with Katakuri. Marco would easily kill this guy if not for tag teaming him with Queen in 2 v 1.


Lolo cuts King's fake Dragon, Oda couldn't disappoint poor Lolo fanboy ZKK delusions so he made this fake scene to cut King's fake Dragon,

Let's call this ZKKFD (Zoro Kills King's Fake Dragon)

Lolo still can't even control his poor CoC, fanboys who still believes Wano Lolo = Oden should stop reading this series.
Stop saying Lolo lmao bro it sounds so fucking lame :milaugh:

Calling him ZoLo at least, you'd sound less of of a virgin.
How about come up with some thing creative? Lolonois Zolo sounds much better than this weird ass Lolo shit

Try saying that shit in real life in front of your friends. The word "Lolo".

Well I doubt you have friends anyways but still
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I don't understand this dialogue.
This doesn't seem to be some CoC related, Enma related thing, just some figure of speech @Celestial D. Dragon
Even King is saying "I am aware of of the risks" and Zoro is like "We don't have much time" King doesn't have some Enma like sword.
Hm, I didn't even see that panel before. That's definitely interesting. Perhaps it wraps back around to what Kozaburo was saying in Zoro's flashbacks. We definitely need a clearer translation for this, but it turns out to be the same, it leaves a lot to think about.
I know right, Imagine I am a guy who beat up this boxer and end up having respect for him. Even saying that there will be no other boxer like him.

In comes this other boxer and he hurts me before falling, and I make no comment or call back to what I said before.

Conclusion: 2nd boxer surpassed the first.

It makes perfect sense to be honest.
Bro there’s too many semantics involved
This whole shit was a discussion bait from Oda
He don’t even know what he wants out of this out debacle


"Oden wielded you as though you were light as a feather"

"How should I stabilize my Haki then? If I keep exuding it at this level it will kill me"

"BUT NO! Thats Perfect"

*Proceeds to fully unleash his haki on all three Swords"


"He'S NOt GiVing HiS HaKI to EnmA"

Like I said. You can't read a scene or context for shit.... You just stare at the pictures and your mind goes duuur...

Maybe Oda should go the Togashi route and write a mountain of exposition to explain whats happening in full detail with every panel. Perhaps then One Piece will become a smoother reading experience for you.
when did i say he's not giving his haki to enma stop making shit up.
I said zoro isn't holding enma back but you said he has to give more haki to enma and here's a statement from zoro that if he KEEPS giving it to enma he will die.
KEEPS means he was already giving his haki to the sword.
But you say he has to give haki just keep giving it.
I won't even mention the fact he said he has to stabilize which means he has to give more sometimes and less in others so as to not you too much.:cheers:
Point is zoro was nerfed the whole time, before advcoc while sanji was powered up through judge's sperm and still needed a sneak attack to win.
since only Zoro using it, the middle spot doesnt exist, since the supposedly "middle spot" contact King's body and blast him away instead
The more I look at it, it does look like Zoro shoot a Kamehameha wave from his swords, holy shit

Some people living in the past
I dont mind it though. I can go further back to Whiskey Peak to prove Luffy = Zoro 😂😂
So King is not even a name that he decided?

Kaido literally names the poor guy ''call yourself King'', how pathetic is that? No wonder King is the weakest YC1 alongside with Katakuri. Marco would easily kill this guy if not for tag teaming him with Queen in 2 v 1.


Lolo cuts King's fake Dragon, Oda couldn't disappoint poor Lolo fanboy ZKK delusions so he made this fake scene to cut King's fake Dragon,

Let's call this ZKKFD (Zoro Kills King's Fake Dragon)

Lolo still can't even control his poor CoC he says he is going to die if he can't finish quickly, fanboys who still believes Wano Lolo = Oden should stop reading this series.
Erkek salty today
If Zoro and King had a clash of CoC you can't even compare it with others honestly.

Zoro and King blades met then some force with black lighting push each one away.
Is not two attacks meeting.

The examples of CoC clashes we have is the two characters attacking at the same time and their "wills" meeting first.

By comparing panels you don't gonna find the answer we all just gotta wait for King/ zoro updated vivrecards or something.
So King is not even a name that he decided?

Kaido literally names the poor guy ''call yourself King'', how pathetic is that? No wonder King is the weakest YC1 alongside with Katakuri. Marco would easily kill this guy if not for tag teaming him with Queen in 2 v 1.


Lolo cuts King's fake Dragon, Oda couldn't disappoint poor Lolo fanboy ZKK delusions so he made this fake scene to cut King's fake Dragon,

Let's call this ZKKFD (Zoro Kills King's Fake Dragon)

Lolo still can't even control his poor CoC he says he is going to die if he can't finish quickly, fanboys who still believes Wano Lolo = Oden should stop reading this series.
The top clown is back

Erkan (Marco ) vs Noodle (Kata) vs Sanjikun (Doffy)
And Kinemon survived an AdCoC strike through his body, I mean surely you must know that plot armor is playing some part in Law's sudden toughness, unless you think Kaido's Ap<<< Doffys.
Thunder Bagua went through 2 people. Of course Law was going to survive the 2nd hit when Zoro took the full force of the attack.
A high speed attack will lose it's momentum when it hits something.



When were you under the impression this game is..
Bro there’s too many semantics involved
This whole shit was a discussion bait from Oda
He don’t even know what he wants out of this out debacle
At the end of the day Kaido has to flat out say Oden has been surpassed or see Oden in Zoro before we can say Zoro is near him.

That is my belief, its like if Zoro surpassed Mihawk before it was ever aknowledged by Mihawk because Zoro has better ''feats'' than him.
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