No no no… Coby is a rear admiral… He is not the head of the fleet… Like his rank makes it literally impossible for him to head a fleet of ships… Only vice admiral and above can command fleets… So Coby isn’t the only person going to Boa… It doesn’t matter whether you think he’s the strongest in the fleet going there or whatever, his rank literally makes it impossible for him to be the highest ranking person there
So the marines DID NOT in fact do some kind of vague power scaling and just determine that Coby is equal or stronger than Boa… No fuckin way that’s a good argument
Coby has to beat the bitch or no dice… There is no nonsense about the marines thinking he can beat her… He either beats her or he doesn’t get any fuckin point for Jack shit… I can just as easily say the Fuckin vice admiral who is commanding that fleet is the also equal to boa since the marines obviously think he is also strong enough or whatever shit