Who will be the next Strawhat

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Carrot honestly doesn't feel like she has had enough closeness, potential, and purpose to me in going with Luffy to Laugh Tale. Even Pedro's death which has been frequently cited as a boost in potential for her to join makes me hesitant because Pedro's death didn't really leave her devastated in a way that felt unique to her or led her to circumstances unique to her, because Nami, Chopper, and the others seemed just as similarly impacted as Carrot was, and didn't seem to help Carrot become personally closer to Luffy, if that makes any sense.
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Formerly Seth

Carrot honestly doesn't feel like she has had enough closeness, potential, and purpose to me in going with Luffy to Laugh Tale. Even Pedro's death which has been frequently cited as a boost in potential for her to join makes me hesitant because Pedro's death didn't really leave her devasted in a way that felt unique to her or led her to circumstances unique to her, because Nami, Chopper, and the others seemed just as similarly impacted as Carrot was, and didn't seem to help Carrot become personally closer to Luffy, if that makes any sense.
It's not even that deep. Carrot is irrelevant. Side character worse than Kinemon who has more cases to even attempt to get on Sunny.
Carrot is not almost the same level as Pedro. Not even remotely. The strongest fighters of the Minks were crucified on Zou. Carrot was not depicted as one of them.

Mink Tiers
Dog, Cat
Sicilian, Zepo, Pekoms, Faust*
Blackback, Roddy, Concelot, Giovanni
Wanda, Carrot, Bepo*

What are you basing Carrot's level on? Pedro was a Captain of his own crew and the leader of the Guardians. Carrot was a King's Bird which is an unnecessary role now that Dog and Cat have made amends. Carrot's feats are aight outside of her shining moment turning Sulong at WCI. Carrot has not won against any opponent with a stated bounty IIRC. Pedro has the bounty and notoriety.

Carrot's combat growth from Zou to Wano is practically negligible. No new moves shown. No Haki displayed. No improved gauntlets or added weapons. And no noticeable foreshadowing of how she can grow.

Luffy improved his CoO CoA and CoC, Zoro received a sword that gives him CoC, Nami's Climatact now has Zeus, Sanji has an exoskeleton and stronger musculature, and Chopper has a longer time limit for Monster Point. Robin just displayed her training results and may improve with Jinbe's tutelage. Franky may upgrade Shogun Franky after Wano as Sasaki did considerable damage. Franky should upgrade during Vegapunk arc. Usopp is long overdue for another power up since awakening his CoO at Dressrosa. I've seen speculation Usopp will get a hammer from Elbaf which I could see happening. Chopper may manipulate the Ice Oni virus to become an Abominable Snowman. We have yet to see Jinbe going all out.

Base Carrot would struggle against ALL Strawhats. Nami or Usopp would give Carrot problems. Either one would outsmart Carrot. Same with Chopper or Robin. Brook's natural immunity to lightning puts Carrot at a disadvantage. Base Carrot lacks the power to deal with the other 5.

Sulong Carrot would probably defeat Nami and Usopp. Maybe Chopper. Sulong Carrot's speed should not be a problem for Robin nor Brook. Sulong Carrot's electricity would give Robin problems which makes it a good fight. Brook's speed, immunity, fencing, music, and ice are a bad matchup for Sulong Carrot. If Franky has insulation from electrical attacks then he should win. If not, then Franky would have to tank Sulong Carrot's Electro long enough until she tires out which I believe he could. Jinbe is an experienced master combatant that has fought opponents and won against far more capable and dangerous. Plus he has both CoA and CoO.
Mr. Berry Rich, it's nice to see you again :catsweat:
I don't believe so.

dis rabbit can bully me any time.
You do you dude.

Carrot honestly doesn't feel like she has had enough closeness, potential, and purpose to me in going with Luffy to Laugh Tale. Even Pedro's death which has been frequently cited as a boost in potential for her to join makes me hesitant because Pedro's death didn't really leave her devasted in a way that felt unique to her or led her to circumstances unique to her, because Nami, Chopper, and the others seemed just as similarly impacted as Carrot was, and didn't seem to help Carrot become personally closer to Luffy, if that makes any sense.
I'm sorry wuat ? "Pedro's death didn't really leave her devasted in a way that felt unique to her"??


But I agree none of this does help Carrot get cose to Luffy, but that's not the point. The closeness between a character and Luffy can come at the very end moment of the storyline. Fro example, Brook and Franky were not really that close to Luffy until the very last chapters.

The relation ship between Carrot and Luffy is already there. Carrot is a friend for him, one he passed months with, so we don't need to worry about that, it's there.

What we need is the sparkle between Luffy and Carrot. But if it's necessary for Carrot to be recruited, it's not necessary for Carrot to join the crew.
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It's not even that deep. Carrot is irrelevant. Side character worse than Kinemon who has more cases to even attempt to get on Sunny.
Damn, you read the story with your feet..
You do you dude.

I'm sorry wuat ? "Pedro's death didn't really leave her devasted in a way that felt unique to her"??


But I agree none of this does help Carrot get cose to Luffy, but that's not the point. The closeness between a character and Luffy can come at the very end moment of the storyline. Fro example, Brook and Franky were not really that close to Luffy until the very last chapters.

The relation ship between Carrot and Luffy is already there. Carrot is a friend for him, one he passed months with, so we don't need to worry about that, it's there.

What we need is the sparkle between Luffy and Carrot. But if it's necessary for Carrot to be recruited, it's not necessary for Carrot to join the crew.
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Damn, you read the story with your feet..
Shh You're just jealous of what I got and you can't have.

I could read with my ass and that trash character would not joing Straw Hats.

Dude the line is big: Yamato, Kinemon, Momo, Tama. Everyone with fuck knows how bigger chance of possibly joining.

What the fuck is wrong with you.
Actually, the line is pretty fine (blog):

- Tama
- Momonosuke
- Marco
- Yamato
- Carrot

Among all those character only two really have a shot:

Carrot and Yamato

And between those two, only one has the actual parameters to be considered a potential strawhat through the narration:

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Yamato is but a decoy. A red hearing.

Formerly Seth

Actually, the line is pretty fine (blog):

- Tama
- Momonosuke
- Marco
- Yamato
- Carrot

Among all those character only two really have a shot:

Carrot and Yamato

And between those two, only one has the actual parameters to be considered a potential strawhat through the narration:

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Yamato is but a decoy. A red hearing.
Tama has close relationship with Luffy. Something that useless bunny doesn't have with anyone in the crew.

Momo too.

Kinemon is basically building relationships with entire crew for years ( years for us readers ).
Actually, the line is pretty fine (blog):

- Tama
- Momonosuke
- Marco
- Yamato
- Carrot

Among all those character only two really have a shot:

Carrot and Yamato

And between those two, only one has the actual parameters to be considered a potential strawhat through the narration:

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Yamato is but a decoy. A red hearing.
But yet you have no substantial evidence to prove what your saying. Therefore going with canon material; Yamato is most likely to join Luffy's crew.
Tama has close relationship with Luffy. Something that useless bunny doesn't have with anyone in the crew.

Momo too.

Kinemon is basically building relationships with entire crew for years ( years for us readers ).
If your are analysing one parameter at a time.. we are not sortie de l'auberge..
It's not even that deep. Carrot is irrelevant. Side character worse than Kinemon who has more cases to even attempt to get on Sunny.
Yeah, like how Kuina's death led to Zoro proclaiming his dedication to Luffy at Baratie, because Luffy and Zoro's dynamic didn't feel quite the same at Baratie like how it did at Romance Dawn, even though Kuina's death was presented in Romance Dawn.
But yet you have no substantial evidence to prove what your saying. Therefore going with canon material; Yamato is most likely to join Luffy's crew.

By analysing the story, we can see that they are 10 big parameters of construction with different range of importance that all the strawhats are sharing.

For each parameters, I will distribute a few points relatively to their importance.

Here are the 10 pillars of construction for a strawhat:

  1. The quirk. 1 point because it's quite common in One Piece.
  2. The fighting skill 1 Point, it's quite common.
  3. The antagonistic introduction. 2 Points because it impact the narration interestingly.
  4. The multi layered characterization. 3 Points, Interesting but quite common.
  5. The symbolic reach. 3 Points because it impacts the storytelling in an interesting way.
  6. The Strong character arc. 4 Points because strong character arc are in fact quite rare.
  7. The hint of a recrutment. 4 Points. I'll explain in detail what this parameter is about.
  8. The hint of 3 driving forces. 5 Points, you will understand why.
  9. The post. 5 Points, this is one of the most important parameter
  10. The Shining Nakama Action. 6 Points, this is the icing on top of the wedding cake

The quirk

Like most of the character in One Piece the strawhats can be both serious and hilarious. That why each members of the crew have one or more funny quirk related their characterization. Those quirks are here to emplify the comedic aspect of the story but it is also a tool to add interactions and storylines.

Let's see that in the crew

  • Luffy is the captain of the crew, but he is most of the time completely childlish.
  • Zoro is a pirate hunter who always gets lost
  • Sanji is a gentleman who is completely dominated by his love for women
  • Nami is an intelligent navigator but she is completely overwhelmed by the stupidity of her crewmate
  • Usopp is a God afraid of everything
  • Franky is a giant Cyborg with changing hairs and shiny nipples
  • Chopper is a monster acting like a child, making him often completely clueless about certain situations, also he can't hide properly
  • Robin is a silent spy who is very imaginative but in a sadic way, still, she loves cute things.
  • Brook is always joking about is lack of bodypart even tho this is very sad.
  • Jinbe is always formal, meaning that he can have strange reactions in certain serious situations like asking to name a battle plan before the execution.

Concerning our 5 characters...

On this one all the characters beside Marco gets one point. Indeed the comical aspect of Marco as not been introduced yet.

  • Tama is a little girl who has quirky reactions in front of danger, mostly when Luffy is in danger.
  • Momo is a perverse man with a fear of danger that makes him transform into a Heel.
  • Yamato is a confused individual who has strange reaction with people when she tries to impersonnate her idol.
  • Carrot is a bunny teenager who is completely in love with adventure, Carrot loves to mimic the strawhats, mainly Chopper and she gets furiously savage when someone take her Carrots, but pat her and she will be happy again. She is also completely clewless most of the time


Marco : +0 (0)
Tama : +1 (1)
Momonosuke : +1 (1)
Yamato : +1 (1)
Carrot : +1 (1)

This is how a good analaysis work.. breaking down one by one each parameters.. This was the first one. the 1rst most objective parameters that all the strawhat are sharing.. As you can see.. right now.. it's pretty even as the parameters are pretty regular in the story.

Now, follow THIS link to get to the rest (blog). And you will understand why Carrot is objectively, the best candidate right now.. and that without even taking the real narration into account, just the obvious patterns.

Really. instead of asking me the evidence, you should just take a look.

If that's not enough.. I will copy paste the rest here.
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Who seriously cares about Carrot aside from some furry pedos that never saw irl pussy?

Imagine trying to break down this character as a well written being.

Fucking side-character without any relevancy.

Oh hey! I'm talking about you in that tweeter thread.

At the menu:

- Hyper toxicity
- Psychophobia
- Toxic masculinity
- Bias reasonning

Have fun


Formerly Seth


By analysing the story, we can see that they are 10 big parameters of construction with different range of importance that all the strawhats are sharing.

For each parameters, I will distribute a few points relatively to their importance.

Here are the 10 pillars of construction for a strawhat:

  1. The quirk. 1 point because it's quite common in One Piece.
  2. The fighting skill 1 Point, it's quite common.
  3. The antagonistic introduction. 2 Points because it impact the narration interestingly.
  4. The multi layered characterization. 3 Points, Interesting but quite common.
  5. The symbolic reach. 3 Points because it impacts the storytelling in an interesting way.
  6. The Strong character arc. 4 Points because strong character arc are in fact quite rare.
  7. The hint of a recrutment. 4 Points. I'll explain in detail what this parameter is about.
  8. The hint of 3 driving forces. 5 Points, you will understand why.
  9. The post. 5 Points, this is one of the most important parameter
  10. The Shining Nakama Action. 6 Points, this is the icing on top of the wedding cake

The quirk

Like most of the character in One Piece the strawhats can be both serious and hilarious. That why each members of the crew have one or more funny quirk related their characterization. Those quirks are here to emplify the comedic aspect of the story but it is also a tool to add interactions and storylines.

Let's see that in the crew

  • Luffy is the captain of the crew, but he is most of the time completely childlish.
  • Zoro is a pirate hunter who always gets lost
  • Sanji is a gentleman who is completely dominated by his love for women
  • Nami is an intelligent navigator but she is completely overwhelmed by the stupidity of her crewmate
  • Usopp is a God afraid of everything
  • Franky is a giant Cyborg with changing hairs and shiny nipples
  • Chopper is a monster acting like a child, making him often completely clueless about certain situations, also he can't hide properly
  • Robin is a silent spy who is very imaginative but in a sadic way, still, she loves cute things.
  • Brook is always joking about is lack of bodypart even tho this is very sad.
  • Jinbe is always formal, meaning that he can have strange reactions in certain serious situations like asking to name a battle plan before the execution.

Concerning our 5 characters...

On this one all the characters beside Marco gets one point. Indeed the comical aspect of Marco as not been introduced yet.

  • Tama is a little girl who has quirky reactions in front of danger, mostly when Luffy is in danger.
  • Momo is a perverse man with a fear of danger that makes him transform into a Heel.
  • Yamato is a confused individual who has strange reaction with people when she tries to impersonnate her idol.
  • Carrot is a bunny teenager who is completely in love with adventure, Carrot loves to mimic the strawhats, mainly Chopper and she gets furiously savage when someone take her Carrots, but pat her and she will be happy again. She is also completely clewless most of the time


Marco : +0 (0)
Tama : +1 (1)
Momonosuke : +1 (1)
Yamato : +1 (1)
Carrot : +1 (1)

This is how a good analaysis work.. breaking down one by one each parameters.. This was the first one. the 1rst most objective parameters that all the strawhat are sharing.. As you can see.. right now.. it's pretty even as the parameters are pretty regular in the story.

Now, follow THIS link to get to the rest (blog). And you will understand why Carrot is objectively, the best candidate right now.. and that without even taking the real narration into account, just the obvious patterns.

Really. instead of asking me the evidence, you should just take a look.

If that's not enough.. I will copy paste the rest here.
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Oh hey! I'm talking about you in that tweeter thread.

Still, Carrot won't join.
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