It's not just that. After every fight you made the same arguments. My point with you is you don't learn. You keep making the same mistakes over and over.
If you wanted to "own" me, point out the stuff with Orochi. I thought he was dead. Guess what I did? I shut the fuck up about Oda's "deaths" because I clearly didn't have a clue when Oda kills/doesn't kill people. I will never guess if characters are dead or not, because for that one thing I have no clue. That's called learning.
Bro, you are an idiot. I'm tired of explaining myself here.
Who's Who, Sasaki, and Black Maria were ALL defeated without title cards. I
speculated, for 4 chapters straight, that we COULDN'T have known they were defeated until a FOLLOWING chapter proves they are down. Read that quote again. I said 1022 or 1023. The narration was shown in 1022. You can't use that argument 3 times against me for the same piece of speculation
AGAIN, the same argument followed with the calamities. I don't know where you got me thinking Jack was SURELY gonna get up after 1026. I repeatedly said that he was down because of the narrator. Fun speculation does not count as a written statement with my blood.
I said in 1034, that we CANT know Queen is down until we see a narration box. Low and behold, 1035 had it. I said in 1035 we CANT know if King is down until we see a narration box. 1036 had it. Did I want these fights to last 2 chapters each beyond the initial stuff? Yes. Did I ever say QuEEn iSNt DoNE?
You want to know something you haven't learned ironically? How to stop cunting around when people disagree with you. It's actually exhausting talking to you because of it.