General & Others A lot of Sanji fans aren't really Sanji fans they're Zoro fans.


Talent is something you make bloom.
yep he would have been shot dead after he let himself be captured.
But zoro's arc is that of a king who chooses to serve much like Rayleigh the dark king who served another king who took the spotlight while he remained in the dark.
He said it himself whether as a good or bad guy it doesn't matter he'll achieve his dream, he doesn't go abandoning it like that other guy.
Oh yes.
Rayleigh. The great king who was just chilling on a stolen boat minding his own business when some dude forced him to join his adventure.
Massive king right there.


Oh yes.
Rayleigh. The great king who was just chilling on a stolen boat minding his own business when some dude forced him to join his adventure.
Massive king right there.
why you think he doesn't deserve to be a king is irrelevant, he is one period.
And your crying about it won't change that,
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I used moments from the current arc. I dare you show me 3 moments of the OG trio. I fucking dare you to show me 3 panels of the OG trio by themselves.

If not stfu about some extinct group
see? You do it.
If i was a zoro fan I'd be ashamed with Zoro's performance in Wano Kuni. Zoro is a joke swordsman. If you watch/read ruroni kenshin you will understand how much of a joke zoro is.
Saito was a much better character than Kenshin but Watsuki threw him under the bus lol

Oda clearly learned from his mistakes
Right on.

I think it's an easy mistake to think that Zoro fills the role of Saito, Aoshi, or worst of all Sano... but the Straw Hat dynamic of the main fighters isn't based on being inferior or rivals. They all have different strengths, and even though Sanji can arguably be seen as a weaker Luffy in terms of combat abilities, his cleverness actually makes him a threat in a way that offsets both that and his lack of incredible dumb luck by comparison.
Right on.

I think it's an easy mistake to think that Zoro fills the role of Saito, Aoshi, or worst of all Sano... but the Straw Hat dynamic of the main fighters isn't based on being inferior or rivals. They all have different strengths, and even though Sanji can arguably be seen as a weaker Luffy in terms of combat abilities, his cleverness actually makes him a threat in a way that offsets both that and his lack of incredible dumb luck by comparison.
C'mon man. Zoro is a joke swordsman. Swordsmanship in one piece is a joke by itself. Oda has ruined Zoro a long time ago. Zoro does not have a character anymore much like chopper and luffy. Wano was the nail in the coffin for that.

Clearly you can compare Zoro's relationship with Luffy to Sano and Kenshin.
Sanji bodied Queen. He isn’t a mere “YC2” like you claim….Oda pointed out through QUEEN that Sanji simply passed out due to draining all his stamina by going invisible and moving at rapidly high speeds
Queen even says the moment Sanji appears again, he’s out of stamina

Getting slammed through a few walls isn’t putting down exo sanji and if you believe that then you’re an idiot. Sanji has been knocking around Queen the entire fight and struggling with himself throughout. Even when being hit by Queen, he showed no concern or noticeable damage, just thinking about his germa genes and tis is Pre-Exo

You downplayed Sanji by comparing him to Zoro talking about some “YC1+” which is a joke mind you since Zoro is the one that actually fainted from exhaustion after battling King

Did I say something funny Jinbe fan?

Because this is a spite thread in disguise clearly!
You made this thread in an attempt to shit on Sanji and Sanji fans on an all Zoro bias forum instead of addressing the real problem

Zorofans are the one’s that Talk about Sanji 24/7, mentioning him at any chance they get even if the conversation doesn’t involve the guy
You prove my point since you are obviously a Zorofan much more than anything. Where’s the “Zorofans are secretly Sanji fans” or the “Zorofans are Sanji obsessed” threads?
Your opinion is biased that’s why i can’t understand it lol
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1037+ chapters in feat 9 prominent characters=One piece is not character driven

you guys will say anything to defend Zoro huh?
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What is a complex character to you then? O-tama?

Man you guys just be saying shit to say it in an attempt (A failed one) to damage control for Zoro
“Contradictory character” 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
You probably don’t even know the definition of that
You side stepped my entire question. When did I say anything that didn’t happen in the manga? Not a single time. Your crying about an opinion your entitled to feel the way you want about Sanji. Zoro and Sanji both fainted and I don’t think Sanji just fainted because of him running but whatever.

I simply listed Zoros feats and Sanjis feats arc by arc. If listing Sanjis feats next to Zoros feats is considered me down playing Sanji that just means he is weaker than Zoro by a decent amount. Because not once did I say Sanji is weak because of blah blah blah, I never mentioned the moments I hate like him baking a cake for BM, I never mentioned him wearing a dress, I never mentioned him being trained by a much weaker master. If I wanted to just clown Sanji that’s what I would have done.

But your proving my point by being mad when you see Sanjis and Zoros feats arc by arc. If you don’t care about Sanji and Zoro being = in strength or close in strength you wouldn’t care about this post.

If Oda wanted the fan base to portray Sanji as equal to Zoro then he wouldn’t have had King whoop Sanjis ass no dif in every encounter during the manga and anime. Which I also didn’t mention.

Or he could have made Zoro fight Smoothie to make him look close to Sanji but that fact is he’s not. You just don’t like the facts.

Trust me this isn’t a bash Sanji thread if I wanted to make one I easily could. But you being but hurt about shit that’s pulled directly from the manga shows the truth.

Go list Zoros feats next to Sanjis feats and see if Zoro fans get this upset I bet it won’t happen. If your such a huge Sanji fan him being weaker than Zoro shouldn’t matter to you at all.
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C'mon man. Zoro is a joke swordsman. Swordsmanship in one piece is a joke by itself. Oda has ruined Zoro a long time ago. Zoro does not have a character anymore much like chopper and luffy. Wano was the nail in the coffin for that.

Clearly you can compare Zoro's relationship with Luffy to Sano and Kenshin.
Sano was first humbled by Kenshin, then pretty much each of his rivals. Don't tell me you're one of the crackheads who thinks the other supernova are stronger than Zoro (even though they haven't fought him). You probably are from the sound of it, but in any case if Zoro is by far the second most popular character with significantly less screen time, common sense should tell you that the other part of your post is an outlier opinion
Sano was first humbled by Kenshin, then pretty much each of his rivals. Don't tell me you're one of the crackheads who thinks the other supernova are stronger than Zoro (even though they haven't fought him). You probably are from the sound of it, but in any case if Zoro is by far the second most popular character with significantly less screen time, common sense should tell you that the other part of your post is an outlier opinion
As if one piece fights are anything noteworthy to witness.
yep ''the triggers don't exist'' ''it was way back in 2001
'' so much jealousy
Cool, nami is one of the triggers, call her whatever you want lmao

Sanji still has more panel time and relevance post ts character, narrative and world building wise

Who cares about being sanji officially being considered a main character when he gets a better treatment than one lmao
Lol, this thread. No Sanji fan wants Sanji to be Zoro.

And what's with some stupid comments.

Personally, I don't like Zoro but I what's with comments like 'hate Zoro because he is subordinate'. If Zoro is subordinate, then what is Sanji?

Let's call him a deserter for whatever he did in WCI..


Thats what I thought
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Cool, nami is one of the triggers, call her whatever you want lmao

Sanji still has more panel time and relevance post ts character, narrative and world building wise

Who cares about being sanji officially being considered a main character when he gets a better treatment than one lmao
who was talking to you? Stop being insecre

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Zoro is a prideful man allegedly. Zoro things back scars are shameful but begging to your rival is not. HAHAHAHAHAHHAH!