My God...So Orochi openly admitted to his sole purpose for being Shogun was to destroy the country and get revenge on its people, and that joke of a character
STILL let him rule Wano for half a decade without doing anything?????
Orochi openly stated, "I got the shogun position to destroy this country", and you don't think that maybe you should consider rallying some people behind the scenes for an attack? You don't think that maybe you should have a plan up your sleeve if the known cheat, shitbag, lying murderer were to try and trick you,
Wano's people were starving, being forced into labour, and executed if they refused, and this was all acceptable to Oden, as long as they weren't being kidnapped? Didn't matter if their lives were reduced to utter misery, barely managing to scrape by. This was all ok to Oden?
He legitimately trusted Orochi and Kaido when they said they would just leave after 5 years?????????????
The jackass getting his balls boiled off, that's who.