Questions & Mysteries Who is the traitor?

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The traitor can have all the ''honorable'' intentions he/she wants, it won't erase the fact that he is a part responsible for the fate of Wano but more important, the Minks almost got genocided because of this ''noble traitor''...
Then again, people forget and forgive anything (example : Ceasar Clown and a brunch of people wanting him to join the SHs...)
Just putting this here: What if the traitor wasn't the one who leaked Raizou in Zou? And it was all figured out by the enemy themselves? What's known for a fact was that Raizou wasn't only part of the scabbards. He was also among the Oniwabanshu in the past, and quit that group sometime before Oden found him.

Kaido's men sighted Kinemon and co. leaving the country, and must've definitely sighted a ninja being part of that group. Doing so, he would've reported all this to his higher-ups.. Fukurukuju was head of the Oniwabanshu for 30 years or so.. he knows the ins and outs of this group and figured out that Raizou was the ninja. Does he have a vivre card of Raizou? It's not impossible to think he would.

Taking away the minks, it still wouldn't erase Yasuie's death... but it's definitely something the traitor himself would regret, and never expected to occur... No-one expected that, not even the allies, not even Kinemon, not even Kaido, not even Orochi himself, since he was just suddenly informed of that, and just took the opportunity to kill Yasuie himself.

Just putting this here: What if the traitor wasn't the one who leaked Raizou in Zou? And it was all figured out by the enemy themselves? What's known for a fact was that Raizou wasn't only part of the scabbards. He was also among the Oniwabanshu in the past, and quit that group sometime before Oden found him
It could explain why Zou was found twice by the same person but like @Zenos7 said, if they had his vivre card then how weren't they able to find him? The most plausible explanation is that they actually had Zo's vivre card.


Zoro Worshipper
I wouldn't say she saved the manga, but that act alone exempts her. If she were the traitor, she wouldn't have sent Momo and co to the future and give them a fighting chance.
Time travels are quite a complex matter from my experience with fiction.

It takes very small to completely alter the timeline. Even if it's a travel in the future and not in the past.

For example the Strawhats might not manage to defeat Kaido very soon if Momo hadn't appeared and told them about Oden.

It's a very complex matter to even be sure.
I don't think Kanjuro being the traitor is impactful enough either. Not a lot of people care about Kanjuro, but since he is one of the 9 red scabbards, it would definitely be a sad reveal.

Toki being the traitor would be great and extremely impactful. We see her smiling when Oden fought against Kaido and even now, when Oden is being boiled alive. Oda is trying to deceive us even more and he makes it look like Toki is the actual traitor.
Isn't that the opposite? Imo Kanjuro being the traitor will have more impact storywise than Toki.

Kanjuro already made his debut since middle of Dressrosa arc. He already made appearances throughout Dressrosa, Zou and Wano arc despite not playing much role.
Meanwhile Toki only been mentioned since Wano arc and only appeared since this flashback.
Readers already seen Kanjuro much more than Toki.

Another reasons Toki sucks as the traitor:
1. Assuming she is actually still alive and being the present traitor, she is still a female. We can't get epic scabbard (most likely Kinemon) vs traitor battle at peak of Wano arc, because females in One Piece suck. If the traitor is male, we can higher the expectation (action) from the traitor just like many people are satisfied with Queen calamity being male and not Smoothie 2.0.
2. She came from Void Century. Isn't that weird that someone came from 800 years ago, came to present storyline only to be the traitor in Wano? Her story should be tied more into whole Void Century storyline rather than Wano conflict storyline.
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I'd be pretty pissed as a traitor right now, sitting there getting boiled by oil vapor

About this
What if the traitor actually eats a DF whose ability can neutralize/immune to heat? Not sure what the DF would be, but Kaido, Orochi, and the traitor knowing how the DF works, then don't mind putting the traitor into such scenario, to fool everyone even more?


All of the things toki is a very interesting. Oda is rather quiet about toki. What was her intention in wano first place ?

Something doesnt fit right. People jydged oden too easily unless we know what he actually saw in laughtale connects to wano.

The traitor case seems very interesting part in this storyline. Was it intention ? Who gave jack the info about raizo ? People suspect kanjuro so far he hasnt shown any motivation as traitor.

I do like that toki and dr.strange theory were her role in wano is kinda strange . We have yet to see what is her underlying intention is ?

As chapter ends traitor plot gets murkier and confusing. I am certain scabbard are not traitor even in this chapter they were ready to die in that hot oil soup.

Shinobu is ruled out. Only left is sukiyakis assistant he appeared out of nowhere but we know he is oden loyalist.

MD Zolo

You know Artur had a speculation that there was a fourth calamity/All-star based on an image from the OP magazine. He proposed that it may be Ace.

But I had a thought that it was the traitor alongside the calamities.

You know Artur had a speculation that there was a fourth calamity/All-star based on an image from the OP magazine. He proposed that it may be Ace.

But I had a thought that it was the traitor alongside the calamities.
WHAT IFFF, Jack's age was actually simply a typo!?

I mean oda on many occasions corrected some stuff, and age included. Pudding's age was the most recent!

So, maybe Oda will rectify Jack's age. Also was Jack's age revealed in SBS? or Databook?
Cause Databook are the most unreliable source hahaha

And even if Oda revealed it in SBS, he can change it in Manga.

It's important to remind you that Oda in WCI changed Pudding's age for "pedo" issues haha. To make it accepted in Japanese culture. And don't forget that Katakuri was first mentioned as Logia, but then changed into Paramecia.

So, generally, Oda can change Jack's age, and make him in his late 40s or early 50, to make it reasonable

MD Zolo

WHAT IFFF, Jack's age was actually simply a typo!?

I mean oda on many occasions corrected some stuff, and age included. Pudding's age was the most recent!

So, maybe Oda will rectify Jack's age. Also was Jack's age revealed in SBS? or Databook?
Cause Databook are the most unreliable source hahaha

And even if Oda revealed it in SBS, he can change it in Manga.

It's important to remind you that Oda in WCI changed Pudding's age for "pedo" issues haha. To make it accepted in Japanese culture. And don't forget that Katakuri was first mentioned as Logia, but then changed into Paramecia.

So, generally, Oda can change Jack's age, and make him in his late 40s or early 50, to make it reasonable
Not sure how this relates to my post, but I never really believed that Jack is only 28 years old.
Not sure how this relates to my post, but I never really believed that Jack is only 28 years old.
I know... I know hahahaha

It's just this same panel brought back to my memory the discussion on why is Jack looking adult when he's 28 years old. So I kinda talked about it.

But yeah, I'm one of the people who believe there is an Ace anyway.

This is also because It's very important to note that EVERY character in Kaido's crew from the higher echelon, they represent the card NOT ONLY by their rank, but also by their NAME.

As an example,
you can try and rank people like:
and so on until number 1

And people like Jack/Queen/King are not only representing that in RANK. NO, it's actually their name itself. Their name itself is Jack, Queen and King.

And when you take that into consideration.
You will realize that Sanji took out "Page 1" Who is the LOWEST of the highest members" from the enemy forces.

I can imagine that Diez Drake "Diez meaning 10" is the one right after Jack.

And in that sense, I know many say that Kaido can be the Ace. But Kaido's name is NOT Ace. While EVERY member we saw, they do not occupy the rank only, but their name itself is that position. So, basically the Ace of Kaido's crew will NOT be Kaido, it will be someone who has the name "Ace" itself.

So, yeah. I believe Kaido has an "Ace"

Also people from 2-9 will be some of the "Numbers" and "Flying Six"

MD Zolo

I know... I know hahahaha

It's just this same panel brought back to my memory the discussion on why is Jack looking adult when he's 28 years old. So I kinda talked about it.

But yeah, I'm one of the people who believe there is an Ace anyway.

This is also because It's very important to note that EVERY character in Kaido's crew from the higher echelon, they represent the card NOT ONLY by their rank, but also by their NAME.

As an example,
you can try and rank people like:
and so on until number 1

And people like Jack/Queen/King are not only representing that in RANK. NO, it's actually their name itself. Their name itself is Jack, Queen and King.

And when you take that into consideration.
You will realize that Sanji took out "Page 1" Who is the LOWEST of the highest members" from the enemy forces.

I can imagine that Diez Drake "Diez meaning 10" is the one right after Jack.

And in that sense, I know many say that Kaido can be the Ace. But Kaido's name is NOT Ace. While EVERY member we saw, they do not occupy the rank only, but their name itself is that position. So, basically the Ace of Kaido's crew will NOT be Kaido, it will be someone who has the name "Ace" itself.

So, yeah. I believe Kaido has an "Ace"

Also people from 2-9 will be some of the "Numbers" and "Flying Six"
Oda won't make another character named Ace. Portgras D. Ace is too memorable to do that. Specially if this new 'Ace' is also a Yonkou commander.
Oda won't make another character named Ace. Portgras D. Ace is too memorable to do that. Specially if this new 'Ace' is also a Yonkou commander.
I hate this sentence. Whenever someone says that, Oda ends up doing it hahahaha
And I respectfully disagree
Because a "Luffy vs Ace" match naming can be very attractive as an iconic name
Or if Sabo whose whereabouts is unknown now, and he happens to get involve in this upcoming huge war. Specially since I think the invasion on Onigashima will fail miserably
And The alliance will actually have many outside forces join them on the war AGAINST The Rox alliance (Kaido/Big Mom)

So, Sabo vs Ace can also make a very big draw.

It's not

MD Zolo

I hate this sentence. Whenever someone says that, Oda ends up doing it hahahaha
And I respectfully disagree
Because a "Luffy vs Ace" match naming can be very attractive as an iconic name
Or if Sabo whose whereabouts is unknown now, and he happens to get involve in this upcoming huge war. Specially since I think the invasion on Onigashima will fail miserably
And The alliance will actually have many outside forces join them on the war AGAINST The Rox alliance (Kaido/Big Mom)

So, Sabo vs Ace can also make a very big draw.

It's not
Kind of off-topic, so I guess it is better to make a new thread to discuss that. For what it's worth, I really got behind the Ace theory at first when Artur first presented it (I had ulterior motive of course).
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