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Oh no, I dont think that would be strange at all, Im the same, I get sucked in

What does ping me is that you felt the need to comment on Muugens vote on you, as opposed to any of the other conversations going on?
I have been commenting on everything.

If this was a normal game any vote on me would typically trigger me, and one from him would even irritate me more, and be more hurtful especially if he is really town and should know better. This isn't a normal game, so I'm not upset or hurt by it at all.
I feel like this mostly just enables players to dismiss valid points unless enough people catch on to it too. You're not wrong, I'll concede that, but there still shouldn't be an expectation to vote a player as if that's the most important action one can take in the Day Phase.
Sure. I only propose it because it doesn't feel like Muugen has gone anywhere in over 12 hours at this point.

When you say he was aware, what exactly do you mean by that? are you explicitly saying he had prior knowledge, or that he was being boastful?
That you should ask him, no?

Literally the only thing I can't get around his him being his adorable arrogant self and telling me he was going to be on council.

It's very likely scum could have taken advantage of that statement, so I'm not going to kill my brain over it right now.
Advantage by putting him in the council? Or advantage by targeting him this phase?

I don't understand why would scum put him in the council knowing there is a chance he could already
I'm completely lost on the idea that Muugen knew he would be on the council on D0. It feels like I completely missed that or forgot.

He could be framed is what I'm saying. Honestly Muugen was a surprise slot on the council. So I highly doubt Mafia willingly put one of their own there. Like look how much discussion around him is going on. He will be targeted with an ability for sure.[/QUOTE]
I feel this is a misplay by them honestly.
You keep poking tho? If you are really serious about waiting you would wait and not poke here and then

I am sorry but that is BS. These posts indicate you know for a fact kvothe is town and you imply you are somehow connected. And why would you go such lengths to explain it so much making it seems like you would nuke people if Kvothe dies?
You are misunderstanding this. Your leader will unleash hell if she gets lynched because the pushes on her are that dumb. She would never play like this as scum and everyone knows she wouldnβ€˜t be caught that easily as scum either. And if Kvothe is still alive by the point of your leaderβ€˜s lynch, your leader can still talk as a treestump and tell you guys how dumb that entire thing was.

Donβ€˜t even try to throw any more suspicions at your leader. If you donβ€˜t see that she is Town after all that you are just scum or donβ€˜t know her. But you do know her, so any excuse would be void.

Remember, after the rain, comes the rainbow.


There's no "Tina!"
he literally said "see you in the high council" to zem

he is being suspected for that very reason and you're telling me that you didn't know??

lind bro are you ok??
So you're saying that wasn't just bravado and he legit knew he would be on the council.

See, this is something that's unique to each individual. I just take those statements as bravado and nothing else. If you scum read him, then by all means push him. I already said that we should resolve muugen mechanically at this point.
I have probably read about as much of this game as you have in total. Give me some names and if I have an opinion on them I'll share it.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, Ratchet, I really hope I don't have to DESTROY you this game.

I'm literally just checking into D1 now. I got no opinions other than Nick and Juliet being sussy bakas from D0. What do you think of them?


The End and the Beginning
Sure. I only propose it because it doesn't feel like Muugen has gone anywhere in over 12 hours at this point.
There isn't much I can say regarding Muugen as I'm lacking much of the context around him. I will however say that the day is 48 hours long, and any pressure to vote now would be largely self-imposed.
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