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There's no "Tina!"
If I were Mafia, I would put someone from Mafia team who has town cred in the council. I don't buy the framing narrative, since he was already aware he will be in the council on D0.

Are you saying Mafia framed him putting him in council even though him as a town already claimed confidently that he will be part of the council?
I'm completely lost on the idea that Muugen knew he would be on the council on D0. It feels like I completely missed that or forgot.

He could be framed is what I'm saying. Honestly Muugen was a surprise slot on the council. So I highly doubt Mafia willingly put one of their own there. Like look how much discussion around him is going on. He will be targeted with an ability for sure.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 π“ͺ 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽π“ͺ𝓻 ✰
Yeah, probably like half of the guys in this game, or something like that?

What about mangos posting style is it that you like, out of interest?
I think I'm the same tbh.

Half I don't know.

I like his contributions, and overall posts with the Jojo stuff ahahah.

But seriously I think overall I'm liking his contributions.

What you think of Mango so far?

AL sama

Red Haired
How do I know? Dude, I don't even remember Muugen being sure that he would be on the council. All I remember him saying is "just put me on the council". Like nothing else.

I have no idea how you expect me to answer this question.
he literally said "see you in the high council" to zem

he is being suspected for that very reason and you're telling me that you didn't know??

lind bro are you ok??
Broki was a feeling, but she explained it and Your leader will wait for more activity from her.
You keep poking tho? If you are really serious about waiting you would wait and not poke here and then

Kvothe is a…stronger feeling. Your leader is not completely certain about her, but feels very strongly that Kvothe is Town.
I am sorry but that is BS. These posts indicate you know for a fact kvothe is town and you imply you are somehow connected. And why would you go such lengths to explain it so much making it seems like you would nuke people if Kvothe dies?

Iβ€˜m gonna unleash HELL on you if I get killed and flip before Kvothe.
Kvothe is a…stronger feeling. Your leader is not completely certain about her, but feels very strongly that Kvothe is Town.
Another option is I stay offline and just won't play this game anymore. Some things need to be said. There's only so much of a bullshit tunnel I can take. Also, waste of time arguing with him. So he needs to learn this lesson the hard way. I can still talk as long as Kvothe is here, too, so just kill me off. Unless you guys stop being sheep and try reasoning with him, that's our course of action.
Never give up!
So far your leader thinks Drago and Yae are Town, Zemmi, Lind, Kvothe, Ultra strongly lean Town. Al and Mango are slight Town leans.
Dedicate your hearts!
Your leader hopes Kvothe will be more active on the weekend, too. She strongly reads her as Town.

Never surrender!
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