Sanji fans aren't majority they are just extremely vocal and want to stick their nose everywhere.
I wrote that thread because I kept seeing 'Sanji blitzes zoro' everywhere from every vocal sanjitard on this forum, and it was about time I showed the the truth.
It only proves my point, sanji fans keep seeking attention, keeping saying stupid absurd retarded shit like "Sanji blitzes zoro" in the attempt to keep sanji relevant.
I wrote that thread because I kept seeing 'Sanji blitzes zoro' everywhere from every vocal sanjitard on this forum, and it was about time I showed the the truth.
It only proves my point, sanji fans keep seeking attention, keeping saying stupid absurd retarded shit like "Sanji blitzes zoro" in the attempt to keep sanji relevant.
And you realize that you are exactly like the people you complain about? Pretty ironic isn't it?
You didn't show shit aside from your own bias
And the author himself is making sanji relevant, ain't his fault you're on life support everytime sanji does something because you desperately want to downplay him
Imagine calling people retards after saying that sanji's speed is comparable to queen's lmao
Looking forward to what Olympic level mental gymnastic you're gonna pull to downplay Kidd and Law this time