Zoro never needed medical treatment after his battle with Hawkins. The lady he saved offered him treatment to repay him.
Zoro didn't faint quickly after his Killer battle. He fainted once the battle was over and the fox forfeited. In other words he fought throughout the entire battle, no different then what he's done in the past or what Luffy has done.
Once a battle is over your body's going to naturally come down from it's heightened state.
You don't have to kill or knock someone to beat them.
Yes he did. Are we reading same series? He needed medical treatment and was patch up by Okiku. He was still injured regardless.
Taking a weapon from someone while still in the area isn't giving up a fight. If he was a bad guy, he would easily kill Zoro after he fainted. No reason He should have trusted a stranger who just took his weapon early.
Please don't compare with Luffy who actually fought for hours with people like Katakuri and Cracker to beat them compare to Zoro who just started fighting Killer and Gyukimaru and ended so quickly. He had time to rest before fighting, Luffy didn't have the luxury, but still kept fighting. Zoro and Luffy aren't equals.
Yes you do especially knocking them out to defeat them. Zoro never did and Kappa stop everything, so again it was never a win for him if Gyuki never gave up. Don't let biased blind you on what happen in the true events.