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There's no "Tina!"
I'm not saying your intentions was bad, it was just how I saw the situation different to yours that I found the way that you wanted to get the MUUGEN case solved strange.

I very much agreed with you on the matter that the MUUGEN discussion was simply unhealthy the way it was conducted, and I am also aware that I also was part of that.
So again, the part I took issue with was how you decided to present your defense of MUUGEN - not the sentiment itself.

This is why I didn't really talk to gram or anything, because it was solely our views not aligning.
So I will admit at the time being I did not really think of a vig shot as an investigation before it was pointed out.
Drago even mentioned that my logic would work in a standard role madness, but this being a super role madness my logic might've fallen flat.

So IF you are in fact town and this is all based on a huge misunderstanding then I'll lay down flat.

I'll just say though that it was more of how you reacted to this whole thing that made me think that you might not have town's best interest in mind. So again, it wasn't about the sentiment, but how it was presented. I am pretty sure I was clear on that part as well
Ok so again, my reaction initially was about how it was presented and not the sentiment - I know I sound like a broken record here but this is really what it boiled down to.

I think very highly of you as a player, and I respect your ability as a player, which is why I don't really have the luxury to give you that much doubt. In the past you've always fooled me completely when you rolled mafia, so I want to be extra cautious with you.
You're always good at swaying me..

And I agreed with the point that the Muugen discussion was unhealthy and I also wanted to move away from it and potentially go back to it when EoD was closing in - if we figured there were no better alternatives.
So from this whole thing, my presentation of the argument, rather than the sentiment or the argument itself. Let me ask you this - Do you disagree with the argument itself that I presented. Irrespective of how it was presented?

Honestly, I don't know how else I presented it that made you think I was ascribing the thought of Muugen being bullet proof to my vig shot proposition. If you are town, and are sincere here, then maybe my presentation is to blame. I don't know. All I was aiming to do was voice my thoughts which may have been perceived in a manner I didn't intend.

I don't know about my reaction to the whole thing. I admit that I was frustrated at my intentions being taken the wrong way, and this being unduly prolonged certainly played a factor in it. But those reactions and posts were made with Town's best interests in mind.

See this is what I'm talking about though, you mentioned that you had info on Zem, but why you know that Zem tanked a superkill seems quite dubious at best.

I just think the fact that you didn't want to disclose she tanked a superkill before MUUGEN allegedly shot at her was a very interesting play.
So I don't know if you're trying to hide in the open or if the fact that Muu allegedly shot a SK was just a coincidence of cosmical scale or what, but it's very interesting to say the very least.

But yeah, it boils down to a MUU flip.

I think if Muu flips town there's a chance I might be dead wrong about you. But if Muu flips scum then I am holding you quite high on the sus list.

I might spare you from the ITA Superkill when I win it..
Might just shoot Muu and get it over wtih
I know that info because of other things.

I didn't want to disclose her tanking a super-kill because I've seen it before in a weebs game. Tanking a super kill isn't inherently scummy here. I mentioned already that she may have been protected, too. But when Muugen came out, I felt that there was no need to hide it anymore. I already discussed this and posted about this twice.

As for Muugen shooting Zem the very next night she tanked a kill. It doesn't have to be related to me. They can both be mutually exclusive.

Light D Lamperouge

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