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The End and the Beginning
And the above was not your leader necessarily calling you scum, Ratchet. Just that it would be good to consider all angles here rather than just tunnel and push Ultra.

Never fear!
Fuck off, Flower. I have to consider all angles, and fucking jump through fucking hoop after hoop with fucking hard evidence against Ultra, whereas it's fine for my interlocutor to just insist I'm scum, and I'm the one tunneling and being irrational. Na, don't think so.
Oh fuck off Flower. No seriously, fuck right off with this shit. I've illustrated why I think his responses are scummy, and you haven't even tried to engage with me on that. You just ignored it. If you don't think they're scummy, then go and engage with my arguments.

And the rest of this post applies more to Ultra than it does to me. I levied my vote on him and then engaged with him, and I used that to ascertain whether he was scum or not. I have said this prior, and I know you know this. I've gone fucking overboard trying to establish this. Yes, the possibility of being messed with exists. Very much so. I've given it due consideration, which is why I point to his posting today as the reason for why he should be lynched. Ultra, on the other hand, has insisted I must be lying about having any information, and declared I was certain scum because when he asked me who could be Adam's partner, I suggested there was a chance he was. Which one of us is trying to consider alternatives here? Or is it okay when Ultra does it, but not when I (don't) do it? And don't fucking tell me I'm being irrational here, I've displayed more rationality this Day Phase than most of you put together.

Na seriously, not happy with this shit.
Oh fuck off Flower. No seriously, fuck right off with this shit. I've illustrated why I think his responses are scummy, and you haven't even tried to engage with me on that. You just ignored it. If you don't think they're scummy, then go and engage with my arguments.

And the rest of this post applies more to Ultra than it does to me. I levied my vote on him and then engaged with him, and I used that to ascertain whether he was scum or not. I have said this prior, and I know you know this. I've gone fucking overboard trying to establish this. Yes, the possibility of being messed with exists. Very much so. I've given it due consideration, which is why I point to his posting today as the reason for why he should be lynched. Ultra, on the other hand, has insisted I must be lying about having any information, and declared I was certain scum because when he asked me who could be Adam's partner, I suggested there was a chance he was. Which one of us is trying to consider alternatives here? Or is it okay when Ultra does it, but not when I (don't) do it? And don't fucking tell me I'm being irrational here, I've displayed more rationality this Day Phase than most of you put together.

Na seriously, not happy with this shit.
No, fuck off. You're the one who insists I must be scum because I'm holding you to account over your idiotic, rambling defence.
Yeah my defense is idiotic and rambling; you have made it very clear that you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. You're not playing seriously when you make accusations such as being partners with Adam and Flower. I have no reason to take you seriously, both those accusations are so obviously false. Even Sagebee (PBUH) could see it.
No how is that emotional Nick, his behavior was clearly scummy. I’m far from the only person who said it.
It’s not just the read on muu it’s in general. And the fact that you can’t even admit that you were wrong. It is what it is I know you think I’m wrong about it and it’s fine, but I see you as a liability more then anything else


The End and the Beginning
It‘s one of his tricks. He even mentioned it in the scum chat of the DN game. Ratchet exploding like this is never a good sign.

Never fear!
That would require it to be faked. It's not. You don't get to call me irrational and that I'm not "open to possibilities" despite having been doing exactly that, and when said accusation applies far more to Ultra than it does me.
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