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Lol the more and more I read Ratchet’s posts and responses to Flower and Ultra, the scummier it gets. Is fuck off the only words in his vocabulary today? I can’t remember seeing Ratchet get this angry over suspicion.
Lol he always acts all emotional as scum. That's why this only makes your leader suspect him more.

Scum shall not survive!
u have time
can u read up and give me ur thoughts on them
Ratchet’s very scummy lmao. Refuses to reveal result and got triggered out their mind when questioned. I know what an outrage looks like and that shit fake af.

I have a few questions for you as well. Given that you and Lind have implied you’re able to mechanically confirm each other, or at least that’s how it sounded to me, I’mma ask you to claim exactly how eventually cuz that doesn’t sit well with me. Next, what are your thoughts on Mango? From what I remember on NF you pretty much always claim to know Mango’s play for each alignment very well, but I haven’t see that yet. And then finally what do you think about Odd? Between the two of you I lean towards someone being scum given the night chat capabilities. I find him more town then you so far. Am I right in saying your play feels drastically different? Maybe that was a NAI conscious choice from you.
go on am listening
we are not like these plebs who place votes without justification are we now
Ratchet has had a few red flags come up for them:

- soft defending people that they don't know the alignment of: this is something he does regularly to build credit by buddying the people that they defend. Even if a person is very scummy, they will defend them as scum because they know that they are not on the same team. He has done this twice thus far.
- inability to explain positions or what they do anything: when pressed about opinions or actions, they can't explain anything.
- good contrast lynch to Ultra: Ultra is equally a valid option to lynch. I would like to see them both as the leading wagons for this day phase.
Ratchet has had a few red flags come up for them:

- soft defending people that they don't know the alignment of: this is something he does regularly to build credit by buddying the people that they defend. Even if a person is very scummy, they will defend them as scum because they know that they are not on the same team. He has done this twice thus far.
- inability to explain positions or what they do anything: when pressed about opinions or actions, they can't explain anything.
- good contrast lynch to Ultra: Ultra is equally a valid option to lynch. I would like to see them both as the leading wagons for this day phase.
You haven't even given a reason for me.
you vaguely recall what was said in the defense of nana you speak of or not
Your leader remembers the situation this way:

Your leader asked where Nana was because she was on a party with Kiwi and Drago.

The people there thought it was sus and wondered if she went delving by herself.

Like 3 minutes later Nana joined the Disc chat.

Everyone questioned her. A little later Ekko joined and saw us talking about Nana, then suddenly pushed Kiwi and your leader. Without apparently reading the situation.

Your leader came to the conclusion Nana was either scum with a buddy telling her to join or that your leader is a Witch with precognition.

Never fear!
i feel scum is killing of council so they get free lynchs,direct

muu-town, i thin if someone can detect hidden wu should check his death wu to see if his flip was fake? as seen other mention could be fake faction flip.
lind-has also been sus, and see people itching on him slowly
rej-will probably sheep of scum votes, :rosismile:
odd-lean town, more responsible
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