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There's no "Tina!"
I m pretty certain zem can't kill at all so I don't trust xlaw
I'll admit. Everything that he has claimed about his abilities doesn't tell us about his alignment but did you read his comment when he said "Sorry guys just lynch me. I can't use the ability!" I don't know why a scum will come out and say that tbh.

It sounded quite genuine.


There's no "Tina!"
Yeah I agree With the scum list, I don’t exactly know what’s up with kiwi tho

Why do u read lanji is town???
I read him as town when he started posting day 1 and after that day 2 he was alright and now I still have a town lean on him. I think I explained yesterday too. But yeah, I'm usually correct reading him on first impressions, though.

What's your read of him?
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