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No dude... that's a bike...!!
Why are you speaking as if it's fact. TMI? That's shade. What I'm doing is not.

I think Nana is Town. I'm not alone on this. You seem to be the only one claiming Xlaw is Town. If we are dedicated to lynching anyone, it's him.

And I'm not "dodging" the question. You are framing your arguments in a way that attempts to implicate me, but it's not how a thought process works. I don't make the facts fit the conclusions.
u shud have applied more for council


The End and the Beginning
Oh shit this is serious

I really need you to explain to me how she is town, I would love it if she is town, but I am unable to see her as town with all of this, so please explain to me.
Her thought process behind her approach to the game is very congruent with someone frustrated that they're not given a fair shake because of joining a Discord chat at an inopportune time. When married with the fact that incompetence has to be assumed on Nana's part for her to be scum on that, the frustration makes a great deal of sense. While this doesn't automatically make her Town, for this to then reflect in her positions in thread, where she is very combatative against the notion that she's coasting by or inactive does actually indicate Town, because that requires a certain indignation that is hard to fake.

It's possible she's faking it. I concede that I could be underestimating her Scum ability. But I can live with that. I agree that mechanically it looks bad. It's hard to defend, and I don't intend to do it. Hence why I'm open to compromise. But from interacting with her and her posts in this thread my impression is that she's a Townie caught in a bad spot.


Lead them to paradise.
There's also this:

What Queen Nana has claimed sounded awfully like what I had as Guren last game. But superkills bypass this, not to mention it was an ITA. Again, nobody has claimed to have protected her, so how did she get this ability?

Never fear!
Dont think it being an ITA changes anything, Zem and others have been tanking superkills left and right.

Michelle claimed to have protected Zem from Ekko's super kill for example.


The End and the Beginning
What happened to TMI can't exist?
Are you stupid or what? I was using that as an example of shade, not that I genuinely felt like you were displaying TMI.
If you think this, you haven't been vocal about it, and you also think she should be lynched what's up with that? I get the feeling you're mostly alone in that corner, yourself. Most people want them both gone which is reasonable.
I haven't been vocal about it? You mean aside from the litany of posts I've made stating that I think she's Town and why I think that? Like, if you haven't read any of it, then it's best to just say so now - declaring easily-veritable information as false will only reflect poorly on you when it is, in fact, verified. I think several people have expressed belief that they think Nana is Town, but I'm not going to delve through the thread to find it.
Her thought process behind her approach to the game is very congruent with someone frustrated that they're not given a fair shake because of joining a Discord chat at an inopportune time. When married with the fact that incompetence has to be assumed on Nana's part for her to be scum on that, the frustration makes a great deal of sense. While this doesn't automatically make her Town, for this to then reflect in her positions in thread, where she is very combatative against the notion that she's coasting by or inactive does actually indicate Town, because that requires a certain indignation that is hard to fake.

It's possible she's faking it. I concede that I could be underestimating her Scum ability. But I can live with that. I agree that mechanically it looks bad. It's hard to defend, and I don't intend to do it. Hence why I'm open to compromise. But from interacting with her and her posts in this thread my impression is that she's a Townie caught in a bad spot.
Mechanically it’s very fucked up you can’t over look it
Her thought process behind her approach to the game is very congruent with someone frustrated that they're not given a fair shake because of joining a Discord chat at an inopportune time. When married with the fact that incompetence has to be assumed on Nana's part for her to be scum on that, the frustration makes a great deal of sense. While this doesn't automatically make her Town, for this to then reflect in her positions in thread, where she is very combatative against the notion that she's coasting by or inactive does actually indicate Town, because that requires a certain indignation that is hard to fake.

It's possible she's faking it. I concede that I could be underestimating her Scum ability. But I can live with that. I agree that mechanically it looks bad. It's hard to defend, and I don't intend to do it. Hence why I'm open to compromise. But from interacting with her and her posts in this thread my impression is that she's a Townie caught in a bad spot.
Mental gymnastics. She's frustrated she's been caught. Calling it now.
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