Unpopular opinion: Oda handled Big Mom defeat very well. Tied up the bomb plotline + kept BM as a juggernaut while Kidd and Law got the W.
Yes, I was very happy with how he settled that.
It was always a tad unbelievable that Kidd and Law were just going to take down Big Mum, who was on par with Kaido, by themselves in only a few chapters. Something else needed to happen in order to clinch the victory without it being unbelievable that one of the strongest pirates in the world had just been defeated.
That bomb plot line was a nice way of ensuring the defeat was believable, since even in One Piece, even emperors can be hurt by explosions massive enough.
Although external factors played a role in the fight, Kidd and Law both performed well individually to get the win. Its not like they did nothing. They both did significant damage to Big Mum leading up to her defeat.
Also, this was a nice way to completely resolve the bomb plot. This takes the explosions out of the picture entirely in the most satisfying way possible(we actually get to see how devastating the explosion would have been) as opposed to Yamato straightforwardly preventing the explosions from going off and defeating Kanjuro's painting.