Did Kanjuro Kill Big Mom?

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That twist ending doesn't hype me, I just find it annoying. I'm a bit sick of Oda adding new questions on top of a ton of unanswered questions, it's getting ridiculous.


Talent is something you make bloom.
They had a pernicious "victory" Oda isn't stupid. He loves Luffy too much to allow people like Kidd and Law to have a legitimate win against someone he's proclaimed he'd beat over and over. Like I was saying, everyone who was on the "She's defeated" train was doing so in hopes they won't have to see her again.

Oda fully well understands how any rational fan would take this "victory". He showed his hand multiple times by only showing the effects of Kidd and Law's attacks and never hers. Every time she had them down, it was always off-screened. She showed no Awakening, no Adv COC, no ultimate technique, etc.

To anyone who wasn't blinded by dislike of her character and agendas, it was clear she wasn't going to be given a legitimate defeat.
It's not that "I hope I don't have to see her again".
But having her as a main baddie for 3 arcs is simply way too much, considering all the other enemies we still have to face. Admirals, BB, Shanks, Gorosei, who knows who else.

I want Oda to be able to actually draw the end of One Piece. I don't want him having a more serious problem and fucking dying due to the excessive workload.

Despite the fact that I love Big Mom, I just don't think we have the time to fit her as the main baddie for yet ANOTHER arc. Ler her go. There are other people to fight. Move on.


Peerless In History
What's even the point of this anymore?
So Luffy can have a legitimate 1v1 with an Yonko and actually be at that level. This game with Kaido isn't a real 1v1. This chapter and Linlin's performance in spite of every plot rope holding her back proves that Luffy isn't on that level yet and won't be until he beats a Yonko fresh 1v1, no bullshit. Hence, her involvement in future arcs.
Did you cope this much when Lakainu got punched into the earth by two hits? :kobeha:

Nobody is denying they “won” the battle. Linlin still coming back to show off her Awakening and ACoC in the future:fullmom:
Linlin fans got to save some face
But if youre both a linlin and kidd fan
You need mental gymnastics for this chapter lol
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