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Lead them to paradise.
I'm Looney Tunes. Some of these are abilities that I definitely did not use.

The abilities I tried to use last Night:
  • Have Fun: Lindltaylor
  • Stamina: Lindltaylor
  • That's All Folks: Mango
  • Ghost Sight: Mango

(I didn't know that Lindltaylor was dead).

I'm willing to reveal what these abilities do if people think it would be helpful to Town.
Are you roleblock immune?
reborn flipped cult, youre still being voted up and worst being secondary lynch.
I'm still the lynch?
Guess not much town remained in this game then

Anyway, red mafia sent me a message, since they think i'm scum, they are offering to redirect lynch from me
They said they tried it before on Lind but the undo messed up their plan, including unreviving Adam
According to them, Worst is indie & they wanna keep him alive to distract town even more
They want to vote Ryu in PM

I should have accepted their deal tbh, to both survive & make them think i'm scum indeed
But i'm getting bored, most players only care about voting someone who isn't them

Invest says i'm Innocent
I gave all info i had
Ultra was killed by someone other than me

But nah, let's follow indies
Apparently i can temper with WUs, fool invests, temper with Artifacts
Nice fiction


There's no "Tina!"
I'm still the lynch?
Guess not much town remained in this game then

Anyway, red mafia sent me a message, since they think i'm scum, they are offering to redirect lynch from me
They said they tried it before on Lind but the undo messed up their plan, including unreviving Adam
According to them, Worst is indie & they wanna keep him alive to distract town even more
They want to vote Ryu in PM

I should have accepted their deal tbh, to both survive & make them think i'm scum indeed
But i'm getting bored, most players only care about voting someone who isn't them

Invest says i'm Innocent
I gave all info i had
Ultra was killed by someone other than me

But nah, let's follow indies
Apparently i can temper with WUs, fool invests, temper with Artifacts
Nice fiction
What? I was shot in the thread. What can the red mafia save me from? Why would they even save me?
As i said, red mafia is sending a message in PM, because they think i'm scum
They are offering to redirect my lynch, keep worst alive & vote ryu in PM
Since i can't message them back, they gave me certain words i can use confirm with them in thread or suggest another lynch

These words are "Yawn" or ":)" or "I'm back home now" or tagging Novas twice in one post or saying "The" twice next to each other
Lanji?? Lanji flipped purple. Why would red mafia try and save him?

Fuck I’m like a 100 pages behind. What happened?
I dunno & don't care, just saying what they told me
Zemmi posted "Yawn", meaning that she also received same message as me & she agreed to team-up with them
Anyone who is truly town should drop mafia after this game, letting indies control the game, it's pathetic ngl


There's no "Tina!"
Ryu Kishi
Random Asshole




Light D Lamperouge
Kvothe Kingkiller

Midnight Delight


Salah WG

Arondight ( Someone said they are Darkling)


Those 8 should be the focus of all town town actions rn imo, until they are all solved.
Fuji cinera is likely town here.


There's no "Tina!"
As i said, red mafia is sending a message in PM, because they think i'm scum
They are offering to redirect my lynch, keep worst alive & vote ryu in PM
Since i can't message them back, they gave me certain words i can use confirm with them in thread or suggest another lynch

These words are "Yawn" or ":)" or "I'm back home now" or tagging Novas twice in one post or saying "The" twice next to each other
What’s your claim?
As i said, red mafia is sending a message in PM, because they think i'm scum
They are offering to redirect my lynch, keep worst alive & vote ryu in PM
Since i can't message them back, they gave me certain words i can use confirm with them in thread or suggest another lynch

These words are "Yawn" or ":)" or "I'm back home now" or tagging Novas twice in one post or saying "The" twice next to each other
sounds like broki pr...from how you describe it.


And btw i can neither be lynched nor redirected nor rolecrushed
Both town & mafia are wasting their time

Mafia & Indies are almost outnumbering Town most probably, so you better not waste this DP
Lynch Worst or Zemmi, this is last warning
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