reborn flipped cult, youre still being voted up and worst being secondary lynch.
I'm still the lynch?
Guess not much town remained in this game then
Anyway, red mafia sent me a message, since they think i'm scum, they are offering to redirect lynch from me
They said they tried it before on Lind but the undo messed up their plan, including unreviving Adam
According to them, Worst is indie & they wanna keep him alive to distract town even more
They want to vote Ryu in PM
I should have accepted their deal tbh, to both survive & make them think i'm scum indeed
But i'm getting bored, most players only care about voting someone who isn't them
Invest says i'm Innocent
I gave all info i had
Ultra was killed by someone other than me
But nah, let's follow indies
Apparently i can temper with WUs, fool invests, temper with Artifacts
Nice fiction