Questions & Mysteries Did Zoro lose against Enel

Did zoro lose

  • Yes

    Votes: 127 86.4%
  • No

    Votes: 20 13.6%

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fight definition
1. take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.
2. a violent confrontation or struggle.

was a fight
was defeated
but it doesn't count against the promise cause oda probably is referring solely to his dedicated 1v1 fights( pica, king and the likes not kizaru , enel kaido etc) in which case other strawhats have a very high win rate in theirs as well . luffy loses a lot more than his crew does which I find funny.

all in all I think its a weird promise that needs to should have been more specific
Of course he lost, but it doesn't count towards the promise cos it wasn't a 1v1 duel.

It's not like Zoro was only gonna fight fodders to maintain his promise - he inevitably challenged people above his paygrade and got his cheeks clapped on many occasions.
Nah, Zoro never lost, this is just Agenda Piece. If Zoro had the opportunity, he'd one shot Enel. :finally:


Kitetsu Wanker
You need to address "nonsense" with more nonsense? Also, writing more mental diarrhea doesn't make your argument better, lol. But okay, I'll address every kind of horseshit as well, okay?
Zoro's promise of never losing and being the best swordsman wasn't broken as evident by his 1vs1 match-ups - he won all of them. I go by this; you include ALL battles, and funnily enough, Enel vs everyone can be hardly viewed as a battle since he stomped everyone. Enel, Kuma and Kizaru are one of the exceptions of Zoro losing without contradicting his promise. I am contradicting YOUR INTERPRETATION, stop acting like it's Oda's or something like that. This is the only issue in this discussion. You are consistently shifting and twisting the narrative as much as you like. When the panels were dropped, you said "Uh, GaUnTlEt! DoEsN't CoUnT!!" whilst dropping "yOu aRe IgNoRiNg AuThOr'S wOrDs!" like a parrot. That's why I didn't even intent to have lengthy debates - because it is a waste of time. But because of what? It's because you're extraordinarily intellectually dishonest in this discussion which already started when you quoted me with random rant. Did it trigger you that I said "Enel destroyed Zoro"? I guess so.

But I'm not done, let's look even further at the garbage worth of Mt. Everest: In order to use the "context" argument, you have to understand it at first, silly nikky. Enel didn't only defeat Zoro, he defeated everyone and also nearly killed everyone. Zoro's loss didn't count in his promise since the context - as well as the circumstance - were different to his usual battles. Instances like Mr. 1 and King show that Zoro doesn't necessarily only fight swordsmen but those still have quite a similar fighting style - thus, they're still part of his winning streak. Enel, Kuma and Kizaru do not count since the match-up circumstances were way too different to handle Zoro this permanent L to his promise.
The next nonsense. You think your interpretation is correct when there are instances of match-ups handling Zoro his loss. Well, go ahead - you have a hard time proving it's about everyone when there are examples of Zoro being defeated in fact...
I didn't address it before mainly because I still had to make sure whether you're just trolling about Zoro not losing to Enel. But well, you're clearly not joking - sadly - and now, I will thoroughly elaborate why your takes are shit. Well, for starters, read the paragraphs above as much as possible UNTIL YOU GRASP EVERYTHING. Then come again.

There's no headcanon. Zoro would have lost 10/10. But okay, that's not your priority, so let's move on.
Well, sucks to be you since you failed extremely hard at it. Your explanations do not only contradict the definition of loss, it also contradicts how Oda portrayed Zoro's winning streak, which is linked to his promise, as well. Zoro's promise isn't included on literally everything. There are opponents - especially in Pre-TS - bound to be massively superior to Zoro and him inevitably losing. Enel, Kuma and Kizaru - those are instances of such match-ups.
Yeti Cool Brothers isn't a loss, Kizaru's is though.

You cannot be defeated without losing, that's a contradiction in itself. You get defeated in two rounds, you will lose. You get knocked out in a street fight, you lost. You are not beating the one in a car racing, you lost. And so on, and so on... There's hardly an argument you could make for Zoro not losing against Enel, especially since Enel was about to wipe out EVERYONE if it wasn't for Luffy. Zoro would have actually fucking died in this situation, along with everyone else in Skypia.
The usual - you talk a lot, say almost nothing...
What is Oda's interpretation of how Zoro can be defeated without ever losing again? I missed that one which apparently differs from mine. It indeed is author's words that Zoro never lost again since Mihawk, confirmed by panel 5 chapters ago.
Once again, the reason why I quoted you is because you said the promise refers to swordsmen and you seem triggered I told you Nope.

What nonsense are you talking about Kuma, Kizaru and Enel? lol Are you saying it is ok to lose to them because they dont have similar fighting style like King and Mr1 so it is ok to lose to them? What are those circumstances of those fights that made the defeat ok and count as he never lost?

The promise is about everyone, not just swordsmen, lol. Zoro doesnt fight only swordsmen and more importantly - why would he be ok with losing to non-swordsmen??? No amount of nonsense can pull you out of that one. I wonder how many times will you have to read my responses until you grasp why some defeats dont count as losses...

That is by definition your headcanon. I hope you are sane enough to admit that.
Suck to be you because my explanations are in tune with the author's statement that Zoro never lost since Mihawk.
You really are delusional, lol. Yeti Cool Bros and Kizaru are exact the same scenario - cheap shot - and yet you say one is a loss, the other not. Never change, Sen-chan. :milaugh:

You literally can be defeated without losing, that's a fact lmao. It is literally what Oda is telling you, all those defeats arent loses which break Zoro's promise. He never lost since Mihawk while being defeated several times. You simply cant wrap your head around that one. Spare me your headcanons and come up with an explanation how Oda can claim that Zoro never lost again while having him defeated several times. Put more thought into it, your are just repeating nonsense so far.

Pre-TS Zorro can not even hurt Enel due to Logia Intang
Steven-chin forgetting that Zoro can harm logias since Alabasta... :smoothy:


Zoro Worshipper
People simply don't understand what being defeated means in the One Piece verse.

When Zoro is defeated you will know it by some remarks he makes about his broken promise but since those never happened and were never seen the odds are he was never truly defeated according to him.


Kitetsu Wanker
Yeah no.Nobody was able to hurt Logias.Thats why they runned away from Smoker all the time
Uhm, yes. Zoro has the ability to harm logias since Alabasta, Steven-chin and it isnt up for debate.
I am just letting you know. :smoothy:

Now theyre claiming he never lost anywhere. Lmao they lost it
It's Oda himself who said that Zoro never lost, lol. Are you denying manga facts?
Where is that stated ?
Zoro remind himself about his promise to never lost a fight after Mihawk in the fight against King. There is no point for him and it would make no sense narratively for Zoro to think of this promise if he had lost any fight since the Mihawk’s fight.
Furthermore, it was not talking about swordsman because the King’s fight was not a sword’s fight.

Now if you disagree with that, go see Oda :kayneshrug:
Zoro remind himself about his promise to never lost a fight after Mihawk in the fight against King. There is no point for him and it would make no sense narratively for Zoro to think of this promise if he had lost any fight since the Mihawk’s fight.
Furthermore, it was not talking about swordsman because the King’s fight was not a sword’s fight.

Now if you disagree with that, go see Oda :kayneshrug:
What has a flashback got to do with this. Show me where its stated….Zoro never lost ? Zoro remembering this oath does not mean he never lost.
What has a flashback got to do with this. Show me where its stated….Zoro never lost ? Zoro remembering this oath does not mean he never lost.
It is call narrative.
1/ We saw King promise to Kaido that he would never lose until he makes him P
2/ We saw Zoro promise to Luffy that he will never lose again until he became the WSS

Oda draw a parallel and opposition between the two characters’ oath.

-Parallel: they both oath to not lose until a certain point.

Opposition : Zoro beats King, Kings lose to Zoro which means that Zoro keeps his oath until now while King did not.

The point of this two flashbacks drawn in the same page is to show that Zoro winning this fight is a prof that he will accomplishing his dream while King has fail. If Oda considers that Zoro had lost prior to that the scene and the paneling makes no sense from a narrative POV.

If you do not like that, go ask Oda why he made this choice :kayneshrug:
It is call narrative.
1/ We saw King promise to Kaido that he would never lose until he makes him P
2/ We saw Zoro promise to Luffy that he will never lose again until he became the WSS

Oda draw a parallel and opposition between the two characters’ oath.

-Parallel: they both oath to not lose until a certain point.

Opposition : Zoro beats King, Kings lose to Zoro which means that Zoro keeps his oath until now while King did not.

The point of this two flashbacks drawn in the same page is to show that Zoro winning this fight is a prof that he will accomplishing his dream while King has fail. If Oda considers that Zoro had lost prior to that the scene and the paneling makes no sense from a narrative POV.

If you do not like that, go ask Oda why he made this choice :kayneshrug:
Ooorr…..and hear me out here. Oda drew those 2 flashbacks together…to show the similarities between Albert and Zoro. To show that theyre both alike…thinking about their oaths at the end of the fight. And also with that Kaido was similar to Luffy at one point.

We’ve literally seen Zoro lose multiple times….so unless Oda outright says Zoro never lost. You interpreting flashbacks and panels wont mean shit.
Ooorr…..and hear me out here. Oda drew those 2 flashbacks together…to show the similarities between Albert and Zoro. To show that theyre both alike…thinking about their oaths at the end of the fight. And also with that Kaido was similar to Luffy at one point.

We’ve literally seen Zoro lose multiple times….so unless Oda outright says Zoro never lost. You interpreting flashbacks and panels wont mean shit.
And the difference between Kaido and Luffy is that one will become PK while the other will not like King was unable to keep us oath while Zoro could. Captain and Number 2 failing or succeeding together.

But If it is your interpretation be my guest :kayneshrug: