[Passive - Main Heroine] - Rimi requires 1 extra vote to be lynched.
[Passive - Delusion of Imperviosity] - Rimi cannot be killed, and is super-bulletproof.
[Passive - Gigalomaniac] - Rimi has the ability to turn her "delusions" into reality. Once per cycle, Rimi may create an artefact based on an item her team has obtained at some point during the game.
[Passive - Bishi!] - Despite having a cold and manipulative personality underneath her cheery exterior, Rimi at least needs to keep up appearences. Rimi must always try to be upbeat, and her posts must include the word "Bishi!".
[Passive - Law of Shared Recognition] - Rimi's powers will only work if there is another to perceive them. There must always be at least one other player within 3 numbers of her player number, or one other player alive on her layer for her to use any "Delusion" abilities.
[Passive - Art Deco Sword] - Rimi cannot be role-crushed, roleblocked or redirected. The first time she would be afflicted with any of the above during a cycle despite this, she can choose to disable her Main Heroine passive instead.
[Active - Delusion of the Anima] - Rimi may target a player during the cycle, she will learn their full role, and will be able to control it for the remainder of that cycle. [2-shots]
[Active - Real Boot] - Rimi calls out her Di-Sword from the Dirac Sea, forsaking the laws of reality. Rimi must activate this ability first before she can participate in any [destructive] action.
[Passive - Eyes in Eyes] - Rimi cannot be controlled.
[Active - Delusion of an Azure Sky] - Rimi dreamt of the Blue Sky, and the freedom it once represented. She may create a special field for her and her faction, wherein all abilities will fail on them during the phase. [1-shot].
[Active - Delusion of a Happy World] - Rimi can force her faction to automatically win any tie-breakers or coin flips for the duration of a phase, and any RNG-related abilities or effects will return a favourable result. [1-shot]
[Active - Delusion of Giant Wings] - Rimi can use this in conjunction with another active ability or artefact. That ability gains the following effect: "Rimi can bypass layer restrictions with this action". She may only use this once per cycle.
[Active - Sone me, dare no me?] - Rimi's strongest attack, created with the power to shake the foundation of the world itself. Rimi can superkill a player, through all immunities. [1-shot].
[Active - fun10β―Γβ―int40β―=β―Ir2] - The equation that changed the laws of the Universe. Rimi can change one "law" within the game, whether that be implementing a new rule or changing a mechanic of the game, on par with a wish from a Craddle. [1-shot].
[Active - Mind Flay] - Rimi psychically attacks her foe, blocking them from taking action.
[Active - Di-Sword] - Rimi slashes with her Di-Sword, which will slice through any matter. Rimi may superkill a player during the Day Phase. If she kills successfully, she will be unable to use this the following cycle.
[Active - Delusion of Cause and Effect] - Rimi imprints the delusion of light-speed onto her and her faction, resulting in their actions resolving first. [1-shot]
[Active - Rejection of Reality] - Rimi rejects the world, choosing instead to imagine a different one. She may change the result of one action in the night writeup, bypassing all immunities at play. [1-shot]
[Active - Delusion of Zero] - The beginning, and the end. Rimi can disable her role for a cycle, and swap one of her faction's roles with another from a previous Weeb Game. [1-shot]
[Active - Delusion to Dust] - As she connects to the Dirac Sea, Rimi floods her body with negative particles of anti-matter, which will eventually undo her body. She projects this delusion onto another, and reduces them to nothing, removing them from the game entirely. Rimi cannot kill or vote the cycle she uses this ability. [1-shot]