Luffy/Zoro are the only ones that require plot magic. Law/Kid have to actually work in the realms of reality.
Anyway if Law returned to the Rooftop healed, Luffy would look just like kid next to him.... His CoC attacks look overwhelming as fuck compared to Laws awakening. So Oda knows what he’s doing lol
Funny enough, Zoro if not for random plot nonsense(mink cum/ magic sword), an Law constantly saving his ass. Zoro would’ve died this arc, without doing anything of meaning lol. Like seriously, if Law doesn’t save Zoro ass from Kaido. He dies no scar feat, or King feats smh. Luffy not much better, people are praising the guy that literally should be dead twice already!!!!
Law the top nova. If he had access to magic, he’d shit on these guys lol.
How’s awakening a plot device?? Especially in Kids case, we dnt know his abilities pre Wano. When were they given more energy lol?? Zoro fans not knowing how to read not a plot device.... it was literally never implied they couldn’t use awakening for as long as they did. Ztards made the narrative up.
Bomb plot line was an assist. But easily negated by the fact Kid/Law enter the fight highly injured/fatigued. An even during there team work was being weakened by Hawkins outside Inference. So moot point in all honesty. Luffy argument at least true.