How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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You were invoking character statements, we have a direct character statment from an adv CoC user who acknowledges both of these men are a tier above her, and in the same category as Roger and WB.
WB vs Shanks sky splitting was oldbeard, marineford was sickbeard, vastly different strength levels.
Whitebeard was sick when he met Shanks. Don't spin things around.

I have more than enough character statements that put WB and therefore Roger above Kaido

You're being dishonest on purpose as you know very well Oda would never spoil an hybrid form for the main villain in a flashback and that the thought of 1 Kaido who has had his DF for 18 years not having Hybrid yet is even more ridiculous
Yes, Oda didn't want to spoil Kaido's hybrid form, hence he made the fight situational.
Big Mom considered Whitebeard outright STRONGER than Kaido
Whitebeard was called the world's STRONGEST pirate
Shiki believed no one could compete with Whitebeard with Roger gone
Buggy believee Whitebeard was UNDOUBLY the strongest pirate in the world

Kaido's portrayal isn't on Roger/Whitebeard level no matter how you try to spin it

He went extreme diff with their underling
They are nevertheless close. There is no separate level for Whitebeard and Roger.
> Whitebeard considered Oden a brother. Just like Rayleigh is Roger's partner and close to him
> Kaido grouped Roger and Whitebeard together with Shanks and Oden, so he considers them comparable in strength. And he is someone who directly faced all of them
> Roger was called Whitebeard's equal by the narrator himself despite Whitebeard earning the world's strongest man/pirate title in Roger's lifetime.
I think he's stronger than BM by a decent margin, not huge though

Kaido >= BM always baffled me and I'm happy that is being proven wrong
I think they may have been equal when they were in Rocks.
Casual Big Mom and casual Kaido can stall each other but as I see it an all out Kaido wouldn't extreme diff to deal with BM


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
The whole alliance had to fight combatants with no awakening, no fs, no mythical df, no adcoa, no adcoc and no strongest tag smh

Meanwhile Luffy's opponent has adcoa, adcoc, fs, a mythical df, could split the sky and has a possible awakening and ppl still believe they are fighters from the alliance on Luffy's level:kobeha:
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