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This might go in a totally different direction. Oda went double spread on that attack, meaning it's a defeat and Luffy might get sent inside the dome. Well, that's my theory
I think that's what being set up. Everyone is going to the live floor since the rest of onigashima is either on fire or falling apart, and Law also mentioned that one of the two was going to come to the live floor victorious.
And yeah, Luffy's defeat is pretty conclusive.


By the way, what is up with this CP-0 boss dude? First he gets shot through the head by Orochi earlier in the arc, and now he gets straight impaled by Drake, but this guy brushes would be off fatal damage like it's nothing. I don't wanna say he's "immortal" but he definitely has some crazy power going on. He definitely fits the theme of a few characters this arc like Kaido and King, but takes it one step beyond. He's not being impervious to damage, but rather his body is just ignoring fatal damage completely.
Remember Kinemon :seriously:
Even if Luffy landed that attack I honestly don't think Kaido would have gone down.

He still looks too fresh especially in the previous attack where he outright Blitzed Luffy and almost Koed him.
Luffy needs something else dramatic and much more stronger. This was a slugfest with Kaido having w clear edge due to his zoan durability and possibly mild regen. In the long run even without CP0 interference Kaido was going to win if Luffy continued with his current skill set.


Talent is something you make bloom.
So....dragging or not, I'm wondering how Oda will develop the future events.
Whether we are gonna have a Gear5, Awakening, or whatever, this attack should put Luffy at least on a non-haki state when he needs to recover once again.

So, there are a couple of possibilities.
- Kaido will deal with Cp0 dude and allow Luffy to take the minutes he needs to get his Haki back.
- Maybe Luffy gets a Senzu Bean like Zoro.
- Luffy just shrugs it off and goes "get a new PU when you're about to die" shounen bread and butter trope.
- Luffy actually loses and somehow Zunisha saves the day.
- Raid fails and Morj wins.

I'm completely NOT interested in seeing a Kaido flashback that is gonna last god knows how many months. I think Kaido is just lackluster and some generic sad backstory won't do anything other than drag this arc even further.
Thankfully "no break next week", so, unless we get a WSJ break, we should get our answers pretty quickly.

Overall, the fight looked really cool. There seems to be some "trick" to Luffy's Snakeman. Maybe it has something to do with the "secret" of his fruit?
We shall see.
Luffy should just gang up on Kaido with Yamato. Luffy fighting Kaido is just a useless slugfeat since Kaido and Big Mom are uselss for Luffy as fighters.

He should fight Shanks and the Admirals, where he can actaully learn new fighting skills.

He can learn martial arts skills from the Admirals.

He can learn next level CoC above Coating that Roger and Shanks used to match Whitebeard's Gura Gura no mi. Also they are CoC Specialists like him.
I was in the raid is failing crowd before when luffy was sent to the sea. It was doable back then, it is not now.

Morj got the event right but i disagree with his reasoning where he wants the strawhat to see luffy defeated and cast doubt on their solidarity.

Its Sabaondy 2.0, we are way way way, past that point.
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