Who will defeat Kaido?

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The Road To Harmony
Zoan fruits having minds of their own would explain how some inanimate objects can eat a devil fruit and given sentience.

Also, why some Zoans users acted a bit different upon obtaining the fruit. Kaku's obsession with Giraffes upon eating his Zoan could be passed off as a quirk, but maybe he was influenced a bit by his fruit. And in other cases, it's a more harmonious melding, like with Lucci and his carnivorous Zoan going well with his bloodthirsty nature, or now with Luffy and his Nika fruit.

I wonder how much of Kaido's current behaviour is a result of his Zoan fruit's influence.
You: ZolO IS StUdPiD AnD WeAK

Also you: I Need to stay relevant and talk about Zoro and ZKK every week
For the record, I didn't say Zolo is Stupid and weak. Lol I made fun of the times he pass out, the time he failed to kill someone and time when he was saved by someone. But anyway if you want to put it in your mouth that I'm saying he's weak. Then be my guest. lol.

I did say Zorotards are stupid though. lol

Anyway. Thanks for the attention. Next!!! lol
Now I just pity you for giving away the game
For the record, I didn't say Zolo is Stupid and weak. Lol I made fun of the times he pass out, the time he failed to kill someone and time when he was saved by someone. But anyway if you want to put it in your mouth that I'm saying he's weak. Then be my guest. lol.

I did say Zorotards are stupid though. lol

Anyway. Thanks for the attention and thanks for the pity I'm crying right now. lol. Next!!! lol
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