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I think we’ll get Luffy defeating Kaido on Onigashima basically throwing him into the flower capital and we’ll get a scene like when he skydived in front of Apoo Hawkins and Kidd.

The entire crew will get healed throughout the rest of the night with Luffy unconscious. Then in the last few minutes, Kaido will awaken his fruit but go berserk like the Jailer beasts (no haki just all physical power of the dragon fruit) and the straw hats will hold Kaido off until Luffy wakes up and ends it. Goes along with the Nine Shadows prophecy.
Dunno if it's wise to leave Kaido unchecked for that long until the alliance get their strength back lol
If and employee in the company of my business partner is doing dumb shit (provided this happens consistently & continuously) and the company is not taking measures to prevent it, I will of course stop cooperating with them.
I can't trust them to work with confidential information and files.

It's really not about the readers here

Like if an employee of a streaming service leaks episodes of a series in advance, of course they wont cooperate with that service anymore in the future (provided, this happens continuously)

Again, let's hope this wont happen again but if it's a common occurence then this will be veeeeeeeeeeeery baaaaaaaaaaad. Lots of people losing their job or getting investigated because of some idiots
I don't think it will go that far, hopefully there will be an investigation to find the leaker and punish him/her and to prevent something similar happening again or at the very least the leaker himself/herself will stop leaking the hq pics.
Then I guess we can get confirmation that Chopper has been awakening his fruit via science, and monster point is the side effect of awakening without training

plus it would also explain the beats jailers, forced to awaken by vegapunk or something
I think monster point is similar im concept to awakening but not the fruits true awakening. Seeing as it has like nothing to do with a human form
It's certainly possible. I can't argue against that, he may have been using it this way without us truly knowing.

My "hope" is it's not so that way he doesn't go out without stepping on a similar playing field with Luffy before losing (as Katakuri was able to for example with Snakeman), so I do hope his awakening is like Luffys in a way, a 4th transformation that allows the Seiryu to influence the fight in a way, like Nika is for Luffy
I'm not married to that theory either, it's not even mine. But I'm open to all possibility as there's indeed a clear design change outside bulkier body and there's precedence to Oda sneaking in a villain awakening. I think we'll be fixed by next chapter anyway.
I think it's obvious Kaido past will be about Joy Boy

The question is how it will affect the plot and why Oda is delaying it, and delaying Wano big secret

also what's Yamato role in all of this, she definitely won't just be Kaido daughter who hate him and that's it

He definitely wanted a son for a reason, and he hate her for a reason, especially when we know Joy Boy plot is related to inherited will and passing the torch for new generations

Kaido is not losing to G5 is my bet
It's certainly possible. I can't argue against that, he may have been using it this way without us truly knowing.

My "hope" is it's not so that way he doesn't go out without stepping on a similar playing field with Luffy before losing (as Katakuri was able to for example with Snakeman), so I do hope his awakening is like Luffys in a way, a 4th transformation that allows the Seiryu to influence the fight in a way, like Nika is for Luffy
Unlike Luffy's DF Kaido's DF gives him limitless stamina, so pretty soon Luffy will become weaker while Kaido will maintain his strength. So calm down... This is just the introduction phase of Luffy's awakining, Kaido will soon get used to it.
As far as i heard about Zoan Awakening, it is only possible after they get defeated

Croc first mention Zoan awakening after hearing the "defeated" Jailer beast got back up again.
The way his sentence goes it seems to implies
Awakening of zoan is after they got beaten ( if their DF are awaken)

Luffy also awaken only after he got "defeated".
Kaido so far hasn't even been close to getting beaten. Maybe we will see awakening after he got defeated too...........
Score is still 5-1 though lol
As far as i heard about Zoan Awakening, it is only possible after they get defeated

Croc first mention Zoan awakening after hearing the "defeated" Jailer beast got back up again.
The way his sentence goes it seems to implies
Awakening of zoan is after they got beaten ( if their DF are awaken)

Luffy also awaken only after he got "defeated".
Kaido so far hasn't even been close to getting beaten. Maybe we will see awakening after he got defeated too...........
Score is still 5-1 though lol
The awakened Zoans were defeated but their recovery is super high so they come back thats what was mentioned there.

Deleted member 863

I don't think it will go that far, hopefully there will be an investigation to find the leaker and punish him/her and to prevent something similar happening again or at the very least the leaker himself/herself will stop leaking the hq pics.
yeah. What I've been describingis the worst case, which is really bad. Partnerships between JP & foreign nations in regards to OP & WSJ have increased in recent years (which is great) despite leaks still coming out regulary. But this is the first time it could actively, severly impact it since it's known that this comes from inside M+ and not someone in Korea, or whatever.
I'm not married to that theory either, it's not even mine. But I'm open to all possibility as there's indeed a clear design change outside bulkier body and there's precedence to Oda sneaking in a villain awakening. I think we'll be fixed by next chapter anyway.
Nah I agree. Even i thought this could be his awakening when it was first actually shown off in 1037. He temporarily transforms into it with Shuron Hakke.

But really @Roo has given good arguments for it. Not that I'm against it, it's that my bias and hope for Kaido is that he puts up a decent fight against G5 and Luffy just isn't fighting the clock or his life-force, etc. This happened with Doflamingo, but it didn't happen with Katakuri. I just hope it goes the Katakuri route.
What do you think about the idea of that bulky form during a page of chapter 1037 and during "Homicidal Drunk" being his awakening? It's not just a change of expressions like other drunk modes, his design clearly changed. Pointier teeth, dragon like eyebrows, broader nose, stronger jaw much bulkier body. He's more animal like.

Now I do agree that Kaido's awakened form being barely highlighted would be weird, but Oda did sneak in Doffy awakening several chapters before it was revelaed to be awakening.
People thought it was just a regular use of his devil fruit.
I think it may be more like Choppers points. Kaido using the alcohol to weaken his limitation and allowing more of the dragon to come out. I see it kinda like Gaaras playing possum where he just slowly stops holding the dragon back with the amount he drinks
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