Who is a better character?

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Lmao these people cannot see the great picture. Kaido the man who has tormented the entire Wano Kuni for 20 plus years is being overwhelmed by Luffy. Whatever Kaido throws at him, he is bouncing back better than ever. Now this is funny because it is what Luffy is all about. The entire Wano arc has been serious with fairly less comedy in between. Luffy has been fighting seriously for far too much. Is this not justice? Kaido getting humiliated like this is the exact revenge anyone can get for WANO. This brings joy to every citizen in Wano. The beast that Kaido is is getting wrecked by Luffy. Who could have thought Oda would take this route. Catching Kaido like a snake, skipping with Kaido, making everyone pop their eyes out. This is funny and this is different. Are you unhappy that your headcannon didn't come true? This is quite original and amazing.
Good point. But sadly won't get many likes. Who needs logic when we can troll and be a cool guy.
It was in my top 3 but now I don’t know where to place it. Current OP is a complete disaster for me but I mostly liked pre ts OP and some things in the New World. Overall OP is a 6/10 for me now. OP was my number 1 until 2016. Until 2020 OP was my third favourite manga and now not even in my top 5. Maybe the nostalgia is hitting hard
I don‘t know where to rate this anymore aswell. What I can say definitely Wano has OP into a ridiculous mess.
Good point. But sadly won't get many likes. Who needs logic when we can troll and be a cool guy.
It’s crazy some people can’t see this. Oda is all about storytelling over power scaling and other stuff. It is why he made sure Croc and Luffy fought underground and had Luffy throw Croc out in the sky. He had Luffy clear out the sky before beating Enel. He had Luffy literally break Doffy’s string and sen him flying underground

luffy will beat Kaido in one of the goofiest ways ever and make every one laugh and smile


Talent is something you make bloom.
Lmao these people cannot see the great picture. Kaido the man who has tormented the entire Wano Kuni for 20 plus years is being overwhelmed by Luffy. Whatever Kaido throws at him, he is bouncing back better than ever. Now this is funny because it is what Luffy is all about. The entire Wano arc has been serious with fairly less comedy in between. Luffy has been fighting seriously for far too much. Is this not justice? Kaido getting humiliated like this is the exact revenge anyone can get for WANO. This brings joy to every citizen in Wano. The beast that Kaido is is getting wrecked by Luffy. Who could have thought Oda would take this route. Catching Kaido like a snake, skipping with Kaido, making everyone pop their eyes out. This is funny and this is different. Are you unhappy that your headcannon didn't come true? This is quite original and amazing.
I'm mad because Oda gave Luffy a black hair transformation panel sequence.

That is something I can never forgive him for.
:peperain:*dame da ne* intensifies.
There are no "levels" here, this is no fucking fictional story we are talking about.

Those are RL legal issues.

Those spoiler leaks are all the same.

It simply makes no difference if a shop owner leaks pictures of the magazine 3 days early or someone leaks some raw images.

Shueisha itself will probably be more mad at the latter, bc someone of their own guys is the rat, but legally it's not different than posting photos of the printed magazine at all.

redon really just pouts again, bc someone stole his spotlight.

He's literally the last guy that should bring moral into the discussion.
One of us has a law degree, and I'm pretty sure it's not you. There is literally the concept of levels in law. De minimis, is the technical term.

Second: "It simply makes no difference if a shop owner leaks pictures of the magazine 3 days early or someone leaks some raw images." Come on. Use your brain. It is not a matter of "difference". It's the origin of the leak that's the problem. How can someone get these images, where from, etc. Only a select few would have access to the images before they've been type-set. Some random shopkeeper somewhere is completely different because here the phone call is coming from inside the house.

Do not mistake simplification for simplicity. And if you cannot see why Shueshia would regard leaking of actual images of the manga as worse than descriptions of the content, then you really should stop talking.
People bitching and moaning and meanwhile I'm sitting looking at one of the coolest fights Oda has ever drawn. Creativity is off the fucking charts with this one.

Shame this shit got leaked though, that is absolutely horrible from a source integrity standpoint.
People really did just want boring power progression like dragonball or edginess like Berserk.

Like OP isn’t perfect, but this fight encapsulates why it’s so fun
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