Wheezing right now. This one dude comes in and states some great yet obvious points that anyone would arrive at with basic reading comprehension, and he instantly manages to get the entire cult up in arms.
I see they've also already tried flattery. But turns out that he don't want their sake lmfao.
That's what's just so funny about this situation. There's absolutely nothing they can do about it. As much as they despise Momo. As much as they wish she never had the guardian of Wano fruit. As much as they beg Oda to make their little oni join the crew...All the same, it's never going to happen.
"Wow. Turns out my newfound best friend looks
identical to Oden, my hero and idol for the last 20 years whom I admired so much that I pretended to be him. This new Oden is also desperately in need of help and assistance, and seems to really appreciate my guidance. Oh well! Off to join this crew I've never met, that doesn't know or care about my entire existence!!"
That's genuinely how they think things will go down.