Who will be the next Strawhat

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I don't know why u carrot fans and anti- Yamato are so happy with what that one editor said about Yamato when Oda created the Yamato of character so perfect and well thought about πŸ˜€. Like Oda could have gone to give Yamato a simple design and task in the story but no He didn't instead he make Yamato has one of the rarest devil fruit (in one piece history), conqueror Haki (SOMETHING THAT ONLY THE STRONGEST HAS), an Oni(a special race), met Ace and also hears about Luffy's dream (something that the strawhats and his brothers known), even that Yamato is the reason why the strawhats know about Vivre card and also put in the SBS that the words that ace said to luffy were connected to Yamato, not to mention Oda made Yamato the one to had Oden's journal and even read about the adventures he had, Oda could've made Yamato Luffy enemy but instead, he makes Yamato states that she was waiting on luffy. 😭😭
If you think oda didn't have a plan for Yamato when he gives her one of the most characters development and details than anyone y'all ever see in the story cause those are what carrot lacks in the story the only things u guys have is the bond with the strawhats and the Pedro something 😭😭😭😭

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
You are guys are dumb talking who will join the crew. Oda can decide who join or not, Narrative don’t matter.

Oda can draw random guy with ten eyes , with lion head with two mouths, with ten packs , three tails with four lizard legs can join luffy straw hats crew member just fine.

Can Yamato join the crew ? yes it is possible
β€˜Can carrots join the crew ? Yes it is possible
Can mutant monster who destroy island in split second join the crew ? yes it is possible

All things are possible by oda.

Oda choose what character to join and nothing we can do about it
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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I just love how Dizzy came in here like we were all supposed to pack up and go home:vistalaugh:

Yamato declares she's going to join Luffy's crew

"It means nothing, stop acting like you've already won"

An editor says he doesn't know when Oda came up with Yamato

"So it all comes crashing down"

We’re so owned!! Oda came to this forum and saw the smartest little boy say he was wrong, so now Yamato is going to die just like Jinbe did!! My tears will spill onto the ground and form the words RIP SAKE BREWER ;( while the pervert bitch grows incredibly powerful and handsome!! :josad::josad::josad:

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Ouch, both nicknames hurt me so bad!! Please don’t say them anymore, or I’ll need to call the mods for that special protection Yamato fans enjoy around here!! :pepemotion:
This still makes me laugh so fucking hard…the two mods who regularly chime in to defend Yamato have both said they don’t like her on multiple occasions and I have been banned from this thread more often than anybody who isn’t C4N, but that sensitive little guy thinks we get special treatment because so few people are willing to come to his defense :milaugh::luffylaugh::denzimote:
Okay, let's not all pile on too much.

On the topic of the actual argument, I think we should remember that Jinbei was not originally intended to be the fishman that joined the crew. When he was first namedropped, he was going to be a big villain. Oda didn't decide until later to merge Jinbei and the concept art fishman into one character.

Perhaps Kaido was always going to have a warrior daughter and a technicolored monster girl with a mythical zoan fruit was always going to join the crew, and Oda simply decided to merge the two at the last second.

Regardless, I wouldn't put it past current Oda to think of a new strawhat at the last second anyway, and the editor only said he didn't know to begin with.
I think people already know that initially Yamato looked like onigiri-shaped funny guy and her name was Ninigi. I don't think that dude was supposed to be Kaido's child or Ace's friend lol, so yeah quite a transformation happened.
Mentioned it a little while ago. Oda gave her original design to a one scene character.

But yeah. Pretty clearly based off that design she was supposed to have a different role. Seemed like the whole Ace stuff and being a strong adv CoC user is something that came up after Oda's initial plan. But she was always meant to be an Oden stan with the purpose of helping Wano's people.
Welcome to the St. Yamao cult

Now to finish the welcoming ceremony, say it with me, loud and clear
In the name of Daddy Yamao, and Son Momo, and Oden Spirit, amen!!!

Once they're in though, it's expected that they step it up a notch. Even more possessed screeching at strangers, hunting disbelievers and they better not be missing Wednesday night sake session. As they brew cups from each others tears and sweat.

Take Pudding, also the daughter of a yonko. She played a significant role in WCI and was foreshadowed all the way back at FMI. Close to 200 chapters ahead of her relevance. Oda knew she'd be a key figure of the arc and so he set her up in advance. He even gave away the 3rd eye reveal.

- Yamao gets no mention at Punk Hazard. (Could've had her watching Luffy during Ceasar's experiment along with Jack's men).
-No mention at Dressrosa in Kaido's intro
-No mention at Zou when we saw Kid bloodied and defeated (Could've had Yamao sharing the cell with him, to set up an early meeting with Luffy in Udon)
-Not a single mention throughout the first 75 chapters of the Wano arc itself. Despite the fact that she's an infamously rebellious daughter whom all the beast pirates knew about
There's no reason to believe Carrot was ever planned to be special. She was introduced with Wanda
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