Who will be the next Strawhat

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Why the tears? If you've actually got an argument just spit it out.

-Everything points towards Yamao being made up on the spot. A character Oda most likely thought up midway through Wano.
-Meanwhile there's nothing to indicate that Carrot was a last minute character

Those are the facts. Not my fault you don't like them.
Tears? What’s wrong with you?
He's right of course. There were logical indications throughout Zou to suggest Carrot may sneak on the Sunny. Hence why so many people predicted it back at the time. But even listing those points is doing too much. There's no need to prove why Carrot was planned, since that's not a real question.

There was never any reason to suggest she wasn't. The burden of proof lies with those claiming otherwise.The only reason it's being brought up now is because Yamao stans are incredibly butthurt at the realisation she almost certainly wasn't planned. Knowing full well it shits all over her chances of joining. Little do they know those chances were crushed over half a year ago. But hey-ho.
He's right of course. There were logical indications throughout Zou to suggest Carrot may sneak on the Sunny. Hence why so many people predicted it back at the time. But even listing those points is doing too much. There's no need to prove why Carrot was planned, since that's not a real question.

There was never any reason to suggest she wasn't. The burden of proof lies with those claiming otherwise.The only reason it's being brought up now is because Yamao stans are incredibly butthurt at the realisation she almost certainly wasn't planned. Knowing full well it shits all over her chances of joining. Little do they know those chances were crushed over half a year ago. But hey-ho.
Bruh, does it look like we care? Because none of that matters, just you thinking it does.


Lazy is the way
Why the tears? If you've actually got an argument just spit it out.

-Everything points towards Yamao being made up on the spot. A character Oda most likely thought up midway through Wano.
-Meanwhile there's nothing to indicate that Carrot was a last minute character

Those are the facts. Not my fault you don't like them.
What tears ? He just asked you a normal question.

And there is nothing factual about your « facts ».

You can totally think that Carrot was long time planned but you don’t have any « facts » to back it up.
Same you don’t have any « facts » to say Yamato is a last moment character.

Maybe you’re right but don’t talk about facts.

And Supernova were last minute characters and god know they are fucking important to the plot and fucking important characters (Law Kid etc)

So being a last minute character doesn’t mean much at all.
Just cus heres a collag of every panel of Carrot helping the Straw Hats

I don't think Carrot will join the crew and she's never was among my personal favorite characters, but ngl her scene with Sanji made me tear up. It was a good moment.
So far I didn't feel emotional about Yamato even once. It was sad on paper yeah but I just don't feel it. Maybe the way she was forced in the story is to blame, and I don't feel her connection to Ace either because I think Oda just winged her up and there are some telltale signs to that. If she had a character created for her specifically, like Cora-san for Law or Dr. Hiriluk for Chopper, etc., I'm sure I'd liked their story. But using fan's favorite Ace who is being used like a bicycle at his point? Nah... It feels like Oda was in a hurry and didn't have the time to create someone solely for her to bond with. So far it's only the number Fuuga if to think about it lol. But he rather falls under the pet category. Every princess in OP has a "pet".

We'll see how Oda is going to resolve her storyline but so far it feels like she's being carried by a strong teasing from Oda rather than the character itself. If it was clear from the start she's tied to Wano like the Scabbards or Hyori for example, she'd never be on that hype train. Oda knew what he was doing, he wasted zero time (literally) and started to tease the readers head on.

( I feel somehow similar about Sabo as well, he's just Ace 2.0 whom Oda winged up as Luffy's lost brother after Ace died. I don't think he's a bad character and a lot of people actually like him, but I'm personally indifferent. He is good as a part of the ASL brothers concept, but as a stand alone character he's a pass for me. )
Why are you so obsessed with Yamato being a last minute addition when there’s no evidence of long term planning with Carrot
It's just another of the dozen arguments that only apply to Yamato. Based on an idk statement too.:kailaugh:

Carrot had no foreshadowing (which means no long term planning apparently), an official guardian position as a ruler's aide that she's still carrying out, a side villain that none of the SHs cared to fight for her sake, and a constant pairing with someone she shared her intro with at that.

When leaving Zou, she was worried about Wanda and made plans to come back before she could know. In Wano, they've been stuck together ever since they first reunited. Through the intro, the Jinbe hug that's played up, and the entire Onigashima raid while none of the SHs questioned her absence.

Despite all this, Carrot can leave Wanda and her special guardian role whenever she wants. Yamato is the one shackled to Momo and a role she explicitly denied.

What tears ? He just asked you a normal question.
Except that he's not actually asking a question or making a point. He's just babbling whataboutisms because he's mad about the recent news. Hence the tears.
And there is nothing factual about your « facts ».
There is if you can read.
You can totally think that Carrot was long time planned but you don’t have any « facts » to back it up.
Same you don’t have any « facts » to say Yamato is a last moment character.
Reread what I said. Because that's not it.
And Supernova were last minute characters and god know they are fucking important to the plot and fucking important characters (Law Kid etc)
Why are you bringing up fucking non-straw hat characters as a fucking example of why it doesn't fucking matter if a fucking character was fucking planned or not?
So being a last minute character doesn’t mean much at all.
It does. You make a terrible argument lol.


Except that he's not actually asking a question or making a point. He's just babbling whataboutisms because he's mad about the recent news. Hence the tears.

There is if you can read.

Reread what I said. Because that's not it.

Why are you bringing up fucking non-straw hat characters as a fucking example of why it doesn't fucking matter if a fucking character was fucking planned or not?

It does. You make a terrible argument lol.
Why ar you dizzy??? iz becas of pregnansy? Congradualationz for nu lif wit ceying litle human! Enyoj ur nites my boy !!!!!!
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