Told you she didn't look like the main villain lmfao
The weird sunglasses guy is probably the real baddie manipulating her
She'll probably be a victim of circumstance but I'm pretty sure she's gonna be the main antagonist of the film. Every film since Strong World has always featured its villains/antagonists at the forefront of advertising. Shiki, Z, Tesoro and Bullet all had this vibe. She's not any different.

She's clearly playing off some parallel with Luffy, considering she apparently bonded with Shanks as a young girl like he did.

Now THAT parallel is interesting depending on how you look at it and why this person is "probably" antagonistic to Luffy

Edit: Nice, it's his "daughter" to an effect. Thanks @EtenBoby . Film is 100% about her though, had a feeling it would be this way and not really about Shanks outside of some hidden motivations coming about
Where did this story about Uta being a villain come from? I don't remember ever saying that. What they said was that she would have a big role.
Read my comment above. Most of these films advertise the main antagonist first. Oda has specified he wants the film to feel "different". A female antagonist is probably it. That said, I doubt we'll see Luffy wailing on this person, but her powers could be broken as shit so we'll see what happens