Who will be the next Strawhat

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Having HnH doesn't negate the fact that you can stay on land. You should know that. Yamato is not fighting for Wano "like everyone", she is fighting specifically with Momo as a sidekick or the inverse.

A goal, a dream or a desire can change.
Yamato isn't going to change her dream Kaido was literally beating her and starving her because she want to be Oden and did it stop Yamato?
Didn't Yamato say to the samurai that she will fight on the side of Wano when she was young (without knowing Momo was alive)?
Also didn't Yamato say to Luffy she want to fight on his side for wano(without knowing momo and kinemon them were alive)?
So I don't see what you are trying to say cause she wasn't fighting for Wano because of Momo 😂😂 and she ain't going to change her dreams because of Momo too she is helping luffy and momo to save Wano 😂😂
Yamato isn't going to change her dream Kaido was literally beating her and starving her because she want to be Oden and did it stop Yamato?
Didn't Yamato say to the samurai that she will fight on the side of Wano when she was young (without knowing Momo was alive)?
Also didn't Yamato say to Luffy she want to fight on his side for wano(without knowing momo and kinemon them were alive)?
So I don't see what you are trying to say cause she wasn't fighting for Wano because of Momo 😂😂 and she ain't going to change her dreams because of Momo too she is helping luffy and momo to save Wano 😂😂
My point exactly. Yamato is not fighting for Luffy, she is fighting for wano and Momo.

Dude.. there is a difference between changing a desire for bad reasons and changing a desire for good reasons. Of course she didn't change her desire for Kaido, why would she ? But she might discovery something else during her time with Momo, at least that what the story is hinting.

The point is that Yamato will discover with Momo what it means to follow someone for the right reasons.
yamato has said, several times throughout this raid about going on an adventure and seeing the world

Should zoro and Brook stay behind to help Momo become proper swordsman. Of course, not they have goals they want to achieve
Should sanji stay behind to help Momo to be good at etiquette when comes to food? Sanji has his own goal that he wants to achieve.
Should Jimbei stay behind to be the voice of reason for Momo just like he did with luffy? No, he shouldn't
Should Robin stay behind to teach momo about the Writing the poneglaphs? no.
Should Franky stay behind to build ships for wano citizens if they want to travel in the future? No
Does luffy need to stay behind in help momo to become man? No

so why does Yamato need to stay? If you have nine scabbards who can teach Momo about swordsmanship and how to be a better leader for his country. He will be fine. With zunesha and the minks who are allies with Kozuki clan momo will be good. Momo could learn how to use his devil fruit with some scabbards who also devil fruit user themselves. When Yamato comes back from her adventure with them, she tells him what she found out and maybe she might teach him even more lessons. If wano is under Luffy's territory it will be protected by his allies.

Yamato would be considered an outcast base on the fact she is the emperor's daughter that had been the previously ruler and oppressor of the wano citizens. She would heavily discriminate against by the citizen even be outsider outside of wano. Knowing how one piece world treated ace and robin as kids. They would treat her like outcast. In that regard she kind fits the vibe of the strawhats quite well.
Luffy-the grandson garp the hero and the son of the most wanted man in world dragon.
Zoro-pirate hunter
Nami-cat burger
Ussop- Village liar and Yassop's son
Sanji- part the vinesmokes
Robin-devil child and the survivor ohera
Brook-talking skeleton and former member of hte rumble pirates
Jimbei-one of the former world of the sea, fishman on top that, and use to be sun pirate
Yamato- the oni princess who is daughter of Kaido.

Carrot doesn’t have a lot of mysteries that surrounds her character whatsoever. Nor does she have an enemy that really has hindered her progress in life in a future arc. Most of her enemies have already been defeated by non-strawhats so there’s really no incentive for her to continue her journey with them. Carrot has been much more of a sense of curiosity rather than mystery. The two mysterious characters in whole cake island Ark were reiju and pudding. Carrot by comparison just felt like a background character and support character just going along for the ride and displaying what minks were capable of. Her personality zou, and going whole cake island was basically like this What Does This Button Do? (original) - YouTube That’s all there is to it. She was not special mink that made her different from any other mink she wasn’t on top of her class. She was just an underling in a musketeer that’s it. When we landed in wano she was pushed to the background and became less relevant as the arc went on. Carrot fight wasn’t even on full display in comparison to Yamato. Her potential goal that fans had interpret would be shaft by the Oni princess who seems know more about it while Carrot remains silent what is it about. The traitor in zou turn out to be kanjuro all along that sent jack to zou while carrot remain loyal to the alliance. Which is not a bad thing, but I think fans want to see other side to carrot instead this cheerful persona.
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How is everyone!?!? I have been following and reading you guys for a while and it is time for you to FINALLY allow me to introduce myself!

I am the biggest Carrot fan around! Believe me! That CarrotForNakama guy is fine, but I am THE ultimate fan. I won't tolerate any hate towards Carrot since I feel the community is kinda toxic against this particular character! I finally decided to give it a try with this English thing and been studying for the last few months in order to join this forum and spread the word as I've been chosen by someone: Carrot will become nakama!

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Respect is super important! I am just here to show you the truth and decide by yoourselves. You are free to prefer Yamato instead of Carrot but it's not me who places the consequences of that and you'll eventually realise the only way to live a life to its fullest in a healthy way is to be a Carrot fan and not a Yamato.

Happy to meet you all guys! Let's be friends!
My point exactly. Yamato is not fighting for Luffy, she is fighting for wano and Momo.

Dude.. there is a difference between changing a desire for bad reasons and changing a desire for good reasons. Of course she didn't change her desire for Kaido, why would she ? But she might discovery something else during her time with Momo, at least that what the story is hinting.

The point is that Yamato will discover with Momo what it means to follow someone for the right reasons.
Yamato literally tells kaido that Luffy is the one Oden was waiting on. Yamato will not discover something with Momo also Yamato was waiting on Luffy and want to leave with him and the story isn't hinting that Yamato will learn something from Momo idk where are u getting that from? The only thing left for Yamato is to accept herself, not to be something for Momo so let that idea go cause she doesn't want to be in Wano. She is fighting for Wano, not for Momo
He just can't help himself. The Mega Karen.
"Karen's" (as a slur) are mostly racist and reactionnary . I'm the opposite. (or at least I try)

But facing confusionnist right wingers who think there are feminist... It's no wonder no one here can see why there is sexism... lol

"You call sexist every person who disagree with you" is the equivalent of the reactionnary "you call racist every person who disagree with you".. Same baseless affirmation...

I call sexism because there is sexism but even more so toxic masculinity. If some people don't see it where there is toxicity it means that those people are not aware of that toxicity. Being a mod or even an admin doesn't make you all knowing, it just gives you power.

And if you still think you know everything about sexism... Think again:


Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother

So... How long will it be before the mods get triggered again after being called problematic because of their choice not to regulate sexist and toxic content? Hm ??


After saying this In such a reactionary friendly environment, a """wok""" like me should last one or two hour top.. tic tac tic tac... lmao!

In the meantime, let's have a little fun!

First the L.

I was wrong about the defeat of Kaido. I thought this would be done in 3 chapter but I forgot to take into account the fire and the fact that Oda loves to finish every storylines before the big ending punch.

So logically I was wrong about Carrot having a reaction in the last 3 chapters.

That's said, the hypothesis still stands. Carrot still has a high chance of getting a reaction when kaido is defeated. This reaction would STILL be a confirmation for her future joining for reasons I have already explained on twitter.

If Carrot doesn't react her chances will be reduced to 70% ish. I'll still be convinced but her chances will objectively be lowered.

That's for Carrot's reaction


Secondly I want to come back to Yamato.

There is a reason I often say that Morj is ONE OF the most professionnal One Piece analyst. His reasonning are based on actual storytelling basis and not just fan hypothesis.

That's why, contrary to what most of you said earlier.. his last video about Yamato was a very good one. Not because it was against Yamato, but because he mentionned something I've been trying to say for years:

All the strawhats have at one time said "no" to Luffy's journey.

The thing is (and that's the reason why you guys tilted on the video) he missed two things:

1 - Brook is not an exception. Brook refused to join Luffy like everyone else.
2 - Morj failed to explain why the fact of refusing to join Luffy was important.

You see, Morj is a good analyser but he is mostly basing his reasonning on instinct rather than actual knowledge. So.. when it comes to explaining the reason behind some concept, he falls a little short. taht's said, his video are still better than 90% of the youtube fanbase.

So.. Concerning the reason behind the refusal of the strawhat to join.. it's pretty simple in fact.

Everything lie in something called the "Monomyth". The Monomyth is a narrative concept theorized by J. Campbell stating the idea that all myth are narrating one single big story. This theory introduced the concept of the "hero journey"

The "hero journey" is not a foundamental rule that applies to every stories. But you can be sure that it applies greatly to One Piece

As you can see, one of the first step of the cycle is the refusal of the call to adventure. This is what Morj was describing in his video.

There is a narrative purpose to this refusal: The goal is transform the character (formely passive) into a active protagonist. So the character must first refuse the call to take the action later by accepting it and taking his first step into his journey.

That's what happen in One Piece for every strawhats. The difference is that Oda is slighly transforming the order of the circle and makes the acceptance of the call, one of the most foundamental cahracter defining moment of the specific strawhat's story.


All of this to say what ? Well.. that Yamato must first REFUSE the journey before being recruted, it's a narrative NECESSITY. This refusal doesn't have to be a "no", it can take multiple face like what Usopp did on Syrup village, but it HAS to happen.

A future strawhat can perfectly join the crew first and completely refuse the call to adventure later, Usopp and Robin did that..

The thing is... the refusal (in One Piece) implies a strong development for the character. The problem is that it's VERY UNLIKELY for a character to have two strong development in the story and Yamato's strong development is currently ungoing.

And the second and REAL problem here: There is no sign of this potential storyline in Yamato's development, worst, the complete opposite happens. (this is the reason why I say often that Yamato's saying that she will join Luffy is a subversion dialogue)

For those reason, Yamato will most likely not join the crew at all and switch her desire from wanting to join Luffy to Help Wano (the ACTUAL journey she is refusing right now)


Finally I want to talk about Carrot. I think it's time to make you all understand why Carrot is a narrative abberation and a character that MUST be looked at more closely.

To explain my reasonning I must first setup that basis:

Most of Oda's big storylines (arcs) are written under a very specific and methodic pattern. Each characters are falling under a very specific role. I counted 10 so far:

1 - The savior (Luffy)

2 - The active strawhats (the strawhat active and present during the arc)

3 - The main arc characters (This concern one or two character MAX, those are the character that are a catalysis for the big conflict in the story (hence why they are so few). Those are the character with a big life changing development during the arc, they can be future strawhats:
> (Koby / Zoro / Nami / Sanji / Vivi / Conis / Wiper / Rebecca / Robin / Momonosuke / Law / Kyros / Mocha / Broggy / Dorry / Shiraoshi / Ace / Hiyori / WhiteBeard etc.)

4 - The supporting arc characters (This category regroups the characters that are directely linked to the Main arc character's inner conflict and the ARC theme, they are therefore here to influence the main character arc and the global conflict. Their character arc are still strong but less important and impactfull that the one of the main Arc character.
> (Kaya / Nojiko / Genzo / Kohza / Gan for / Iceberg / Viola / Garp / The 9 red Scabbard AND Yamato / King Neptune etc.)

5 - The ally characters (those are all the character that are allied to the cause of the strawhats during an arc, those character don't have real development)

6 - The main arc character's antagonist. (This category regroups all the antagonist of the "main arc character", those are the character whose values enter in direct conflict with the "main arc characters", not just Luffy)
> (Gin for Sanji / Arlong for Nami / Ryuma for Brook / Spandam for Robin / Crocodile for Vivi / Akainu for Ace / Hody for Shiraoshi / Orochi for Hiyori

7 - The main bad guy (this is the one Luffy has to beat or defeat in order to save the situation)

8 - The main bad guy strong allies (those are the character with strong abilities that are helping the bad guy)

9 - The fodders (all the small character with no importance in the story)

10 - The moral pillars (those are specific character that helps the main arc character fufill their role, they can be supporting arc characters (Kohza / Hiluluk / Belmer / Shanks / Kuina etc..)

You can check. Almost every character are falling under those specific patterns. I said "almost" because there was exceptions:

- For some of the strawhats. (Nami before Arlong Park ; Robin before Water seven ; Franky ; Jinbe)
- Supporting arc characters in flashbacks
- The member of the SH grand fleet in Dressrosa

The reason for those exception is simple: For those character, Oda needed to do something unexpected.

As you can see, Yamato falls perfectely under the supporting arc character category: A strong arc but a supportive one, for the story of Momo, Luffy and the arc in general.

Now comes Carrot...

At first glance you would be tempted to put Carrot in the "supporting arc character" category. ineed, Carrot is an ally, but with a strong development, this would be therefore the most logical place for her...

BUT each supporting arc character are there to amplifie the main arc character's development and/or the theme of the arc as their development are directely linked to it.

Problem: Carrot's development has almost NOTHING to do with Sanji's development or the main theme of Whole cake (minus smal themes here and there) her development and her relationship with Pedro are thus a tangant in the story.

In fact the same can be said about her (small) development during Onigashima. Her fight and it's result has nothing to do with the current state of the story. It's like Oda is adding that out of nowhere.

Carrot is a narrative abberation.

But remember.. Like as said.. such abberation happened in the story before.

And one of the best example of that is Dressrosa. Storylines that appeared completely out of context at first (The obsession of Cavendish and bartho) appeared meaningfull only at the end of the arc.. once was created the strawhat grand fleet.

My point is simple:

Carrot is a narrative aberration. And the only thing that could explain why Carrot was developped like a strawhat without being given the actual status or the same specificities.. is because Carrot is about to have a big development in the future.. and that all her previous development was just a SETUP.

Again.. Carrot will join the crew but will only be officialized later.
No disrespect bro, I'm sure what you wrote has some validity.

But anyone here actually read all that shit^^^
In my ideal scenario, neither Yamato nor Carrot joins and Vivi becomes the final Strawhat after she reunites with the crew in Elbaf
I understand the chances of this are rather slim, but at this point in the manga I’d rather have the final crewmate be an established character the audience already knows instead of someone totally new
In my ideal scenario, neither Yamato nor Carrot joins and Vivi becomes the final Strawhat after she reunites with the crew in Elbaf
I understand the chances of this are rather slim, but at this point in the manga I’d rather have the final crewmate be an established character the audience already knows instead of someone totally new
Why do u guys think Vivi will come back? U do know that Luffy and Blackbeard are going to fight right? I love Vivi but I don't see her coming back

So... How long will it be before the mods get triggered again after being called problematic because of their choice not to regulate sexist and toxic content? Hm ??


After saying this In such a reactionary friendly environment, a """wok""" like me should last one or two hour top.. tic tac tic tac... lmao!

In the meantime, let's have a little fun!

First the L.

I was wrong about the defeat of Kaido. I thought this would be done in 3 chapter but I forgot to take into account the fire and the fact that Oda loves to finish every storylines before the big ending punch.

So logically I was wrong about Carrot having a reaction in the last 3 chapters.

That's said, the hypothesis still stands. Carrot still has a high chance of getting a reaction when kaido is defeated. This reaction would STILL be a confirmation for her future joining for reasons I have already explained on twitter.

If Carrot doesn't react her chances will be reduced to 70% ish. I'll still be convinced but her chances will objectively be lowered.

That's for Carrot's reaction


Secondly I want to come back to Yamato.

There is a reason I often say that Morj is ONE OF the most professionnal One Piece analyst. His reasonning are based on actual storytelling basis and not just fan hypothesis.

That's why, contrary to what most of you said earlier.. his last video about Yamato was a very good one. Not because it was against Yamato, but because he mentionned something I've been trying to say for years:

All the strawhats have at one time said "no" to Luffy's journey.

The thing is (and that's the reason why you guys tilted on the video) he missed two things:

1 - Brook is not an exception. Brook refused to join Luffy like everyone else.
2 - Morj failed to explain why the fact of refusing to join Luffy was important.

You see, Morj is a good analyser but he is mostly basing his reasonning on instinct rather than actual knowledge. So.. when it comes to explaining the reason behind some concept, he falls a little short. taht's said, his video are still better than 90% of the youtube fanbase.

So.. Concerning the reason behind the refusal of the strawhat to join.. it's pretty simple in fact.

Everything lie in something called the "Monomyth". The Monomyth is a narrative concept theorized by J. Campbell stating the idea that all myth are narrating one single big story. This theory introduced the concept of the "hero journey"

The "hero journey" is not a foundamental rule that applies to every stories. But you can be sure that it applies greatly to One Piece

As you can see, one of the first step of the cycle is the refusal of the call to adventure. This is what Morj was describing in his video.

There is a narrative purpose to this refusal: The goal is transform the character (formely passive) into a active protagonist. So the character must first refuse the call to take the action later by accepting it and taking his first step into his journey.

That's what happen in One Piece for every strawhats. The difference is that Oda is slighly transforming the order of the circle and makes the acceptance of the call, one of the most foundamental cahracter defining moment of the specific strawhat's story.


All of this to say what ? Well.. that Yamato must first REFUSE the journey before being recruted, it's a narrative NECESSITY. This refusal doesn't have to be a "no", it can take multiple face like what Usopp did on Syrup village, but it HAS to happen.

A future strawhat can perfectly join the crew first and completely refuse the call to adventure later, Usopp and Robin did that..

The thing is... the refusal (in One Piece) implies a strong development for the character. The problem is that it's VERY UNLIKELY for a character to have two strong development in the story and Yamato's strong development is currently ungoing.

And the second and REAL problem here: There is no sign of this potential storyline in Yamato's development, worst, the complete opposite happens. (this is the reason why I say often that Yamato's saying that she will join Luffy is a subversion dialogue)

For those reason, Yamato will most likely not join the crew at all and switch her desire from wanting to join Luffy to Help Wano (the ACTUAL journey she is refusing right now)


Finally I want to talk about Carrot. I think it's time to make you all understand why Carrot is a narrative abberation and a character that MUST be looked at more closely.

To explain my reasonning I must first setup that basis:

Most of Oda's big storylines (arcs) are written under a very specific and methodic pattern. Each characters are falling under a very specific role. I counted 10 so far:

1 - The savior (Luffy)

2 - The active strawhats (the strawhat active and present during the arc)

3 - The main arc characters (This concern one or two character MAX, those are the character that are a catalysis for the big conflict in the story (hence why they are so few). Those are the character with a big life changing development during the arc, they can be future strawhats:
> (Koby / Zoro / Nami / Sanji / Vivi / Conis / Wiper / Rebecca / Robin / Momonosuke / Law / Kyros / Mocha / Broggy / Dorry / Shiraoshi / Ace / Hiyori / WhiteBeard etc.)

4 - The supporting arc characters (This category regroups the characters that are directely linked to the Main arc character's inner conflict and the ARC theme, they are therefore here to influence the main character arc and the global conflict. Their character arc are still strong but less important and impactfull that the one of the main Arc character.
> (Kaya / Nojiko / Genzo / Kohza / Gan for / Iceberg / Viola / Garp / The 9 red Scabbard AND Yamato / King Neptune etc.)

5 - The ally characters (those are all the character that are allied to the cause of the strawhats during an arc, those character don't have real development)

6 - The main arc character's antagonist. (This category regroups all the antagonist of the "main arc character", those are the character whose values enter in direct conflict with the "main arc characters", not just Luffy)
> (Gin for Sanji / Arlong for Nami / Ryuma for Brook / Spandam for Robin / Crocodile for Vivi / Akainu for Ace / Hody for Shiraoshi / Orochi for Hiyori

7 - The main bad guy (this is the one Luffy has to beat or defeat in order to save the situation)

8 - The main bad guy strong allies (those are the character with strong abilities that are helping the bad guy)

9 - The fodders (all the small character with no importance in the story)

10 - The moral pillars (those are specific character that helps the main arc character fufill their role, they can be supporting arc characters (Kohza / Hiluluk / Belmer / Shanks / Kuina etc..)

You can check. Almost every character are falling under those specific patterns. I said "almost" because there was exceptions:

- For some of the strawhats. (Nami before Arlong Park ; Robin before Water seven ; Franky ; Jinbe)
- Supporting arc characters in flashbacks
- The member of the SH grand fleet in Dressrosa

The reason for those exception is simple: For those character, Oda needed to do something unexpected.

As you can see, Yamato falls perfectely under the supporting arc character category: A strong arc but a supportive one, for the story of Momo, Luffy and the arc in general.

Now comes Carrot...

At first glance you would be tempted to put Carrot in the "supporting arc character" category. ineed, Carrot is an ally, but with a strong development, this would be therefore the most logical place for her...

BUT each supporting arc character are there to amplifie the main arc character's development and/or the theme of the arc as their development are directely linked to it.

Problem: Carrot's development has almost NOTHING to do with Sanji's development or the main theme of Whole cake (minus smal themes here and there) her development and her relationship with Pedro are thus a tangant in the story.

In fact the same can be said about her (small) development during Onigashima. Her fight and it's result has nothing to do with the current state of the story. It's like Oda is adding that out of nowhere.

Carrot is a narrative abberation.

But remember.. Like as said.. such abberation happened in the story before.

And one of the best example of that is Dressrosa. Storylines that appeared completely out of context at first (The obsession of Cavendish and bartho) appeared meaningfull only at the end of the arc.. once was created the strawhat grand fleet.

My point is simple:

Carrot is a narrative aberration. And the only thing that could explain why Carrot was developped like a strawhat without being given the actual status or the same specificities.. is because Carrot is about to have a big development in the future.. and that all her previous development was just a SETUP.

Again.. Carrot will join the crew but will only be officialized later.
I’ve missed your nonsense. Glad that you are back.
you never disappoint.
Robin didn’t refuse Luffy, she asked to join and Luffy excepted. Brook didn’t say no either, he said I can’t because I do not have my shadow. And Luffy said we’ll get it back for you. He actually said yes when asked to join. Jinbe didn’t say no either, he said I got things to do first.
and every strawhat joins differently. Yamato is joining by asking getting refused and later accepted. But you essays are still funny. Damn I missed them
Should zoro and Brook stay behind to help Momo become proper swordsman. Of course, not they have goals they want to achieve
Should sanji stay behind to help Momo to be good at etiquette when comes to food? Sanji has his own goal that he wants to achieve.
Should Jimbei stay behind to be the voice of reason for Momo just like he did with luffy? No, he shouldn't
Should Robin stay behind to teach momo about the Writing the poneglaphs? no.
Should Franky stay behind to build ships for wano citizens if they want to travel in the future? No
Does luffy need to stay behind in help momo to become man? No
Those character did not get the same dynamic with Momo Yamato has so those affirmation are irrelevant. The reason why Yamato is bound to Momo is because of the relationship developped between her and Momo during the raid.

so why does Yamato need to stay? If you have nine scabbards who can teach Momo about swordsmanship and how to be a better leader for his country. He will be fine. With zunesha and the minks who are allies with Kozuki clan momo will be good. Momo could learn how to use his devil fruit with some scabbards who also devil fruit user themselves. When Yamato comes back from her adventure with them, she tells him what she found out and maybe she might teach him even more lessons. If wano is under Luffy's territory it will be protected by his allies
Momo doesn't need to learned how to fight with a sword, he needs to learned how to fight with his power. His DRAGON power. And no, the scabbard are not equiped to face that correctly only Yamato is as ONLY yamato managed to train with Kaido and learned about his power.

Yamato would be considered an outcast base on the fact she is the emperor's daughter that had been the previously ruler and oppressor of the wano citizens.
This goes against the message of One Piece. Are you saying that Oda would endorse such a reactionnary message when he created an ENTIRE ARC explaining why a son should not be judge for his father's sins ??


Carrot doesn’t have a lot of mysteries that surrounds her character whatsoever. Nor does she have an enemy that really has hindered her progress in life in a future arc.
Yes she do (her place as a Kings bird, her origin, her cape, her story with Pedro) and the ennemy is Perospero. So... Wrong.

Most of her enemies have already been defeated by non-strawhats so there’s really no incentive for her to continue her journey with them
A good antagonist doesn't need to be beaten by the character in question. Irrelevant affirmation.

Carrot has been much more of a sense of curiosity rather than mystery
And she is perfect that way. She doesn't need a huge background to be a good character. Your point of you about her character is irrelevant to the question of her recruitment.
Carrot by comparison just felt like a background character and support character just going along for the ride and displaying what minks were capable of
She is much more than that.. but to understand that you need to read the story correctly and notice all the little clues along the way. I've explain some on my post earlier. (see: why is Carrot a narrative abnormality)

She was not special mink that made her different from any other mink she wasn’t on top of her class.

Wrong, she is a special mink by essence of her treatment in the story. No Mink has been depicted like Carrot was. NONE.

She was just an underling in a musketeer that’s it.
And she became one of the most important cahracter on whole cake, that should raize red flags in your brain.. but.. yeah... nothing.

other side to carrot instead this cheerful persona
- Like the time she cried and reassured Sanji ?
- Like the time she jumped with hatred on Katakuri ?
- Like the time she was put in despair because of the death of Pedro ?
- Like the time she was feeling confident about herself during her Sulong Moment ?

Yeah.. Content is not the problem here.. There is plenty of Carrot content showing a lot of sides of Carrot's personnality, the porblem here is the reading part.
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Yamato literally tells kaido that Luffy is the one Oden was waiting on. Yamato will not discover something with Momo also Yamato was waiting on Luffy and want to leave with him and the story isn't hinting that Yamato will learn something from Momo idk where are u getting that from? The only thing left for Yamato is to accept herself, not to be something for Momo so let that idea go cause she doesn't want to be in Wano. She is fighting for Wano, not for Momo
So you want Yamato to change but you think she can't change ?
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I am sorry but Oden was a sinner and Yamato is a sinner as well. Pretending Yamato will join is absurd, it goes against many people's beliefs. It's just not ok to be a Yamato fan, but it's ok, i am not here to judge, just listen.
It's ok to be a Yamato fan, it's just not Ok to be toxic because of it :)
Cause there are plot lines being set up for her and Sabo. They’ll be important endgame characters
Yeah I know but not as a strawhats though what will happen to her country without her being there?
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she is a special mink by essence of her treatment in the story. No Mink has been depicted like Carrot was. NONE.
She doesn't get any special treatment so let's not lie about that
I’ve missed your nonsense. Glad that you are back.
you never disappoint.
Robin didn’t refuse Luffy, she asked to join and Luffy excepted. Brook didn’t say no either, he said I can’t because I do not have my shadow. And Luffy said we’ll get it back for you. He actually said yes when asked to join. Jinbe didn’t say no either, he said I got things to do first.
and every strawhat joins differently. Yamato is joining by asking getting refused and later accepted. But you essays are still funny. Damn I missed them
You forgot what I wrote:

Oda is taking a spin around the cycle of the hero's journey for the strawhat. Meaning that he is taking the liberty to change a bit the order in which the step are coming.

Robin, like every strawhat DID refused to join Luffy, but not when she joined at first, when she LEFT in water Seven. her real character arc start there, not in Alabasta ;)

And Jinbe AND Brook refused also.

You have to understand that I'm not taking about a proposition to join, I'm talking about the call to adventure which is something very specific.

In that sence EACH strawhat refused the call to adventure at one time or another. Some left and came back because of it.. some even had two arc and refused twice ! (Sanji for example)

Yamato has none of that during her actual character arc. This means that it's unlikely for Yamato to developp this refusal in the future when it's a narrative NECESSITY.

As usual.. You didn't understand what I wrote and still manage to laugh about it lol
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Yeah I know but not as a strawhats though what will happen to her country without her being there?
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She doesn't get any special treatment so let's not lie about that
Yes she did. You don"'t need to be an author to see how special was Carrot's treatment during whole cake compared to the usual support character. Add that the Sulong transformation, which is two chapter's long and entirely focus not just on the transformation itself but on the character of Carrot.. And you get here not only a very special treatment, but a strawhat treatment.
Momo doesn't need to learned how to fight with a sword, he needs to learned how to fight with his power. His DRAGON power. And no, the scabbard are not equiped to face that correctly only Yamato is as ONLY yamato managed to train with Kaido and learned about his power.
Why don't Momo need to learned how to fight with a sword when his father left a sword for him? U really don't want Momo to carry on his father's skills and experience with the swordman ship? Yamato doesn't need to teach momo how to control and use his power he literally says that he can control his dragon form without the help of Yamato so u using Yamato to teach momo how to use his devil fruit doesn't make any sense cause no one in ONE Piece taught how to use their devil fruits so try again
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she did. You don"'t need to be an author to see how special was Carrot's treatment during whole cake compared to the usual support character. Add that the Sulong transformation, which is two chapter's long and entirely focus not just on the transformation itself but on the character of Carrot.. And you get here not only a very special treatment, but a strawhat treatment.
So the minks fought against jack and everything was a strawhat moment too?
Pedro was done better than carrot in WCI even after his death still is more important than carrot so let's try again
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Why doesn't momo have to fight with a sword where his father left a sword for him? U really don't want Momo to carry on his father's skills and experience with the swordman ship? Yamato doesn't need to teach momo how to control and use his power he literally says that he can control his dragon form without the help of Yamato so u using Yamato to teach momo how to use his devil fruit doesn't make any sense cause no one in ONE Piece taught how to use their devil fruits so try again
Because Momo is a Dragon first. And because becoming strong with his power will be much faster than become as strong with his sword.

Saying that Yamato training Momo doesn't make any sence just shows how little you understand the current storytelling my dude..

You are completely failling to see that Momo is currently being trained by Yamato to use his power...

Don't try to argue on that point anymore. It's a wrap.
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