Speculations Kaido is also Rocks?

I just don’t see how if Kaido is Rocks, how Big Mom plays into it as well. But it’s an interesting theory.

I think Kaido should have awakening but it doesn’t make any sense to drop it after we just heard from his mouth Haki is more important the abilities.

I do think something else will happen though. But I’m not sure what yet.
Maybe Kaido will lose control and then someone will have to kill him off :cheers:


I want to preface that I didn't have the time to make this look nice with images/sourcing, etc. There's probably more or less to this and others can support or refute the idea in the comments. Sorry for the wall of text in advance.

So this is a weird theory I've been sitting on for a while, and im certainly not the first person to think it, but I feel like its worth posting about before we know what happens to Kaido in the coming weeks.

I think its reasonable to assume Kaido will get hit by Luffy's punch. 1047 has set this up pretty much and with the resolution for Momo and the lanterns requires pay off. However, whatever happens after this is is certainly up for grabs. There are multiple theories and agendas being pitched for it (ZKK, Oars type fights, awakening, etc) and anything can happen, for sure.

The realist in me thinks it's probably almost over (to avoid being disappointed with my headcanon), but the idealist wants certain things to happen like everyone else.

That theory is this: I personally don't think Kaido's awakening is directly occurring, but it's possible he may have another "form" so to speak. That being the question: is Kaido potentially " housing" Rocks somehow?

So of course I know this sounds completely batshit saying it out loud, but it's something I truly can't get off my mind at this time. There are some things that "seem" to support the idea of Rocks being a present threat (i.e. the person, not the crew), which I'll outline below, but really it's up to all of you to let me know what you think.

1. Oda teased the Lurking Legend and it being related to Whitebeard (i.e. probably Rocks), as well as being the hardest enemy Luffy would face yet.

This is the bread and butter of the whole thread. I still do not understand Oda's words here. The Lurking Legend comments in 2017, prior to Wano:

Now one argument can be made that this is supposed to be tied to the endgame or tied to Im. It possibly can be, but whats bothering me is Oda specifically says it's tied to Whitebeard, which seems to discount Im unless Im is potentially Rocks himself and not hundreds of years old (though I don't personally agree with this theory).

However, depending on what you take from this post, you may come to a different conclusion about Rocks.

2. The lack of a Kaido flashback of that time period when Rocks fell.

Its been 140 chapters, and Kaido's past still as not been addressed. We got the "loosest" of hints during 957, and again in 1041, and yet still nothing on the "supposed end" to Kaido.

However, I'd say the lack of a FB at this point is almost purposeful in the end. Why wait this long? What is it about Kaido's flashback or Rocks' fate that is so secretive? This leads to....

3. Lack of discussion/references to Rocks' actual fate.

Big Mom in chapter 999 only mentions the fall of the crew. Sengoku doesn't actually say "death" of Rocks, just that he's "no longer in this world". Is the man dead or alive?

4. Oda, editors, and anime directors saying Wano's ending is "surprising".

Even one anime director (either on accident or purely jumbled words on translation) saying Kaido isn't the "final" enemy of Wano.

Editors have gone on record mentioning that the ending is "unexpected" by One Piece standards (I assume).

5. Kaido seemingly knowing he's not Joyboy in direct comments he's made to Luffy and King

Heres a weird one. Years prior, it seems thar Kaido himself was surprised by King's words, but clearly in the present to Luffy, he also does not believe hes Joyboy. However, Kaido is still very confident that he's the man who can/will change the world. Why is this? What does this signify? @Bounty especially has a lot of evidence that shows this, but it's VERY odd that none of it still has yet to be addressed in a fight climax.

There are other things like Garps initial comments about Rocks (that seem to imply a bigger deal than just 2 Yonko teaming up, which we know now didnt even combine their crews), or the fact that that the group is still hyped/teased even though most members are dead.

Like when you take these things at face value, it seems weird that none of this has been directly addressed by the manga. The oddest thing to me that Rocks is this largely hidden character that is tied to the arc's major villain who is seemingly about to "lose" or be taken down. Why hasn't his face been shown yet? What is the surprise/twist with Rocks? Why hasn't his fate been discussed? Why is the flashback on God Valley still largely hidden? Does this have more to do with the endgame or Wano itself?

I'm really not sure, I know there is a large gap in understanding how this could even work. Could BM have been involved with her soul powers? Does Rocks have hidden powers? What would be the purpose?

Again, I think "Kaido" is going down soon regardless (be it this punch or something else that's effective soon after), but is it possible that "Rocks" becomes the viable threat after this for Luffy? Could Kaido's FB happen at this point to show a "twist" on Rocks' fate? Would "Rocks" continue to care about Wano? Would he leave? Would Luffy fight Rocks here and now? Could he?

Not something I subscribe to, just a weird thought I had regarding the fate of these 2 characters. Have at it lol.

Tldr: Rocks returning could be far less metaphorical and more literal. The easiest (and weebiest) example I can think of is this:

At this point, what I am thinking about Rocks being "alive" it's some kind of curse that pursues his own crew (intentionally or unintentionally).

Maybe Rocks himself was cursed. . . and all the ones who made contact with him got a terrible fate.

Don't know.
i dont know if kaido can be rocks, but rocks being brought in might be possible. we have cloning, inherited will, souls, the afterlife, etc all present in one piece. its all building to something, probably. like, remember queen stole judge's tech. why not cloning too.
My issue is what does Rocks have to do with Wano. I’m fully behind their being a final villain in Wano but it has to themetically tie into what we’ve been given in Wano so far
That's all I wanted. Acknowledgment that it can happen even if it is not relevant in the last 10-20-30-40-50-whatever number of chapters.

If you consider my first post as competition, then compete with the 2020 thread that Rocks returns.
I mean, you started this lol, and now you want to change it to something else because you cant handle being wrong, so no.

Theories in 2020 for me were highly central on Shanks and BB continuing the Rocks plot (which I still heavily think they will), not directly Rocks returning in Wano:

Rocks being alive isn't even something you said first. @Lunaria made a post 6 months before yours about him being alive/returning:


If you want to take credit for being the "first person" who has made a theory about Rocks coming back in Wano specifically, congratulations I guess? Lol. I guarantee you weren't the first.


Kitetsu Wanker
I mean, you started this lol, and now you want to change it to something else because you cant handle being wrong, so no.
If you are making it into competition Lunaria cant help you.
And if you are looking for competition, compete with my 2020 thread.
I aint changing it into anything, return of Rocks is the same goal across all of these posts.
You took my first or rather second post way too seriously... :luffywat:
If you are making it into competition Lunaria cant help you.
And if you are looking for competition, compete with my 2020 thread.
I aint changing it into anything, return of Rocks is the same goal across all of these posts.
You took my first or rather second post way too seriously... :luffywat:
Yeah, cause your first post you tried to be a smart-ass and failed:kobeha:

And you did change the subject. You first posted about it being that Kaido is Rocks. I showed you posts where I said this months before. Then you tried pointing to a thread where you state Rocks is the main villain of Wano.

2 totally separate arguments and not related.


Kitetsu Wanker
Yeah, cause your first post you tried to be a smart-ass and failed:kobeha:

And you did change the subject. You first posted about it being that Kaido is Rocks. I showed you posts where I said this months before. Then you tried pointing to a thread where you state Rocks is the main villain of Wano.

2 totally separate arguments and not related.
And you still are taking it too seriously... :kobeha:
My argument was never that Kaido is Rocks.
My argument was always the return of the Rocks.
In one or another shape or form, thus the 2020 thread.
If you want to compete with it do it but dont call Lunaria for help.
And you still are taking it too seriously... :kobeha:
My argument was never that Kaido is Rocks.
My argument was always the return of the Rocks.
In one or another shape or form, thus the 2020 thread.
If you want to compete with it do it but dont call Lunaria for help.
Sure, this was CLEARLY the intent of the response you made, linking to a 2022 thread about Kaido being Rocks
Accept that you changed the subject and move on
Thread title doesn't make sense that I am talking about the return of Rocks instead of Kaido being Rocks?
I never talked about Kaido being Rocks. If that is too complicated, I shouldn't expect too much... :luffywat:


First link you shared:

Now that brings me to the real point of this thread - Kaido could never die so far and he isnt complete!
I have said a long time ago that the previous user of the Uo Uo no Mi was the man that disappeared 38 years ago!
Rocks D Xebec was the previous user of Kaido's fruit!

Joyboy will probably defeat Kaido but Zoro will kill Rocks who will awaken in Kaido's body!
Are you that inept that you dont even read your own posts? Actually concerned for you.
Am I saying that Kaido is Rocks or that Rocks' will is inherited through the devil's fruit?
I know my own threads well enough to understand the difference.
Apparently not someone elses lmao. Then what the fuck was the point in linking it like a chump in this thread if it was irrelevant to the conversation:kobeha:


"Too slow"


"Am I saying that Kaido is Rocks or that Rocks' will is inherited through the devil's fruit?"

Fascinating watching you backtrack :suresure:


Kitetsu Wanker
Apparently not someone elses lmao. Then what the fuck was the point in linking it like a chump in this thread if it was irrelevant to the conversation:kobeha:


"Too slow"


"Am I saying that Kaido is Rocks or that Rocks' will is inherited through the devil's fruit?"

Fascinating watching you backtrack :suresure:
Your idea is too slow compared to mine.
I figured you'd figure out what too slow means...
Once again, I was never in any competition about "Kaido is Rocks", because I never said that.
You assumed I did because of "too slow" while I was saying something else the whole time.
Go back and read what I said instead of being confused since my first reply... :milaugh:
Your idea is too slow compared to mine.
I figured you'd figure out what too slow means...
Once again, I was never in any competition about "Kaido is Rocks", because I never said that.
You assumed I did because of "too slow" while I was saying something else the whole time.
Go back and read what I said instead of being confused since my first reply... :milaugh:
Ah. So in the end you are just being petty like usual.

Good job. Mission accomplished :ohreally:


Kitetsu Wanker
Ah. So in the end you are just being petty like usual.

Good job. Mission accomplished :ohreally:
No, you are out of arguments.
And I just saw this part:

@nik87 in the next 5 minutes:


Except it makes zero mention of Kaido being Rocks himself:denzimote:

I'm watching you:sadgrin:

Edit: Nik scouring spoiler threads to beat me like its some dick measuring contest. If/when he does: "i won, i really won :pepemy:"

You have defeated yourself with this, you are completely aware that I didnt say Kaido is Rocks and are only coping and lying in every response after that trying to sell things you said as something that I said... As creditless as ever. What Zoro does to a man... :crazwhat:
No, you are out of arguments.
And I just saw this part:

You have defeated yourself with this, you are completely aware that I didnt say Kaido is Rocks and are only coping and lying in every response after that trying to sell things you said as something that I said... As creditless as ever. What Zoro does to a man... :crazwhat:
Ironic, considering nothing (literally nothing!) about this thread post was related to Zoro. You should be asking what has Zoro done to you, you can't stop talking about him:kobeha:

@Bounty as I live and breathe. We just talked about people doing this not 2 hours ago lmao. Then they try and gaslight you into thinking it's your fault for bringing up Zoro lmao