[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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dem bro that is weirdly specific
i did not think of that
i smell me some tmi
I can confirm I have no extra information about any scum whatsoever. Like in role. And for real, if we're talking about historical figures, who else could be brought back other than Mad King? And we have noone better for 2nd mafia team if there's one.

Everyone talking about targaryens here but wheres the night king at?
The lord of light will not tolerate his existence:endthis:
NK is like 100% cult or at worst SK. There's nobody around him sigificant enough to be standalone role, so there's like no chance of him being mafia. So basically I read this comment as "why you're talking about possible mafia teams when there's cult?". And from what I saw multiple times (and I'm guilty of that myself when I'm part of mafia), mafia players tend to focus on hunting indies instead. Intentionally or not.

Could be tinfoil, but I did not like that comment.

wait, how do you know this?
I only ever played against scum cooler and i see no difference from that cooler to this one.
Thats all.
Cooler was town last game you played before and he was literally replaced due to inactivity.


I can confirm I have no extra information about any scum whatsoever. Like in role. And for real, if we're talking about historical figures, who else could be brought back other than Mad King? And we have noone better for 2nd mafia team if there's one.

NK is like 100% cult or at worst SK. There's nobody around him sigificant enough to be standalone role, so there's like no chance of him being mafia. So basically I read this comment as "why you're talking about possible mafia teams when there's cult?". And from what I saw multiple times (and I'm guilty of that myself when I'm part of mafia), mafia players tend to focus on hunting indies instead. Intentionally or not.

Could be tinfoil, but I did not like that comment.

Cooler was town last game you played before and he was literally replaced due to inactivity.
The real war is life vs death
Fair!(for the bold)

It doesn't muddle things if you got everything you want from it! If you hadn't and were still waiting for more info for the reaction or your read was still subject to change from further pushing then there was more of a point to my post. Since that doesn't appear to be the case my point is moot! That point being laying out your full intentions prior to getting the info you want from a reaction then allows the reactee to adjust to what you want to see, which as village you never want to do, and the only reason to fully lay out your plans prior to getting the full amount of reaction you're waiting for is to defend yourself(and as I said previously, scum is the one most concerned with their image opposed to their scumhunting).

Let me know if this makes sense!
It seems you just overthinking things here, you see I can def see the point you are trying to make, but what I meant by what I said is that me addressing ekko post and elaborating the intentions would not make a difference regarding how I move forward with this game, if anything is to gauge even more how reactor would behave after reading it. You need to be open minded and revaluate your reads when new information pop up and how that person behave. As for now, I am comfortable with my vote on arp but that does not necessarily mean it's locked.

I wouldn't say I was defending more self and more so just picking posts I find interesting and further engage with that person to feel them out.


Cope Doctor
I litterally have no task and no abilities only getting my life drained every day , rip pls be fast , I need some i dies to take care off
Hi, you are new here, right? How much mafia experience do you have?
Since roughly 24 hours has passed let me just answer this more honestly as I got what I wanted out of not being truthful and don't want it to somehow cause problems for town down the line.

i am new here. i have 11 years of experience aka too much. My original forum was the same as grammatron, rippedcal(haza), tyler herro(rugrat), kweh(tweet), and chevy(evans) and I believe that is all. I've played a game on the syndicate and on perc too(with haly/dizzy/fable/etc but none are here, altho some off them are on MU, I've never actuallyed played on MU lol).

I have a pretty good grasp on reading all of them. I'm pretty confident in both kweh and chevy being town. If you want me to elaborate I'm more than happy to, but I'll wait for evans to defend himself first.

I also have played with both ekko and tpein(unfortunately). Tpein even cost town a game at the end because he felt like ekko deserved the win more in spite of town handedily catching all the scum players, gotta love him.

this reveal matters little to most of you as it probably makes no different for most of you, but i also dont like having to bite my tongue on meta stuff I do know about people either because im feigning to be unfamiliar about them.


@RippedCal speaking of which, earlier you told me that i was wrong to suggest ekko being inactive early was a tell of any sort and that "i just gotta give him time" and that "alignment has no factor in his alignment". in fact a few people did. you can see from the link above that's utter nonsense unless youre going to say ekko was lying(as he was town this game) and this came about a week ago. most people cant keep up appearance as well as scum as they can as town, especially when they post as much as ekko does because that's just an absurd amount of posting.
as another aside, im a he not a she and my posts will read differently in tone going forward. as in likely more aggressive lol(not in a bad way).
It seems you just overthinking things here, you see I can def see the point you are trying to make, but what I meant by what I said is that me addressing ekko post and elaborating the intentions would not make a difference regarding how I move forward with this game, if anything is to gauge even more how reactor would behave after reading it. You need to be open minded and revaluate your reads when new information pop up and how that person behave. As for now, I am comfortable with my vote on arp but that does not necessarily mean it's locked.

I wouldn't say I was defending more self and more so just picking posts I find interesting and further engage with that person to feel them out.
to be clear, i did understand what you meant but you wanted me to elaborate so i elaborated where i was going fully. the moment you gave your explanation i had no intention of pursuing further as the answer was in line with what i expected.
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