While I did not mind the Flashback a lot of people here, (still had some problems with it), I'm glad we're back into the swing of things in the main story.
This chapter was all about revealing the traitor, and lo and hold, it was the least impressionable of the 9 Red Scabbards. I wasn't entirely sure on Kanjuro, personally, but there was a valid case made for him. Also, don't know if someone's mentioned it, but Kanjuro was the one last seen with Yasu's body.
Given his abilities, he could've easily swapped the real corpse with a replica. This could have exceedingly dark implications if Oda goes that way.
Now, considering the timing of their arrival, I'm confident in saying Luffy and co planned this little interception. And it might involve Kyoshiro. All routes around Wano were destroyed, except the ones leading to the Capital.
Kyoshiro's desire not to tell anyone of his plan or identity was likely intended to not give a potential spy knowledge. And he probably figured out who the traitor was through his time as Orochi's loyal subordinate, and waited t'ill they were isolated from the rest, and then catch them by surprise.
However, it looks like Momonosuke was captured. And one of the objectives of the Alliance, besides beating the Beast Pirates, will also be to save Momonosuke and possibly Hiyori who's whereabouts were relayed to Orochi. Though I believe Momo will become more proactive during this war later.