The first day, when flower and I went into arguments if you guys noticed then I was very know why?
Not because of flower ( she was townie because of her openness and agresiveness)
But because three players started game with no their usual meta
@Rej didn't vote aggressively which was picked by Bogard
@TheAncientCenturion and
@Bogard game play was also off
So whole flower argument distracted me in digging about them....
Since Bogard picked up rej thing, and rej came back to his usual self later on day 1 I went up using my ability on tac.
I had ability to pick any post of user and see whether they are lying or not...
I picked this Post of tac....
LMAO. What are you talking about? I'm always a strong townie.
But problem was how to push case on him.
I got opportunity when tac jumped on rej bandwagon. Now remember that I picked up rej meta was off but then I had sure shot call on tac so I end up building case against him but to no avail....
Playa and sen came up with solid arguments against rej and I used that opportunity to round up votes to portray myself as townie..
Next night I used allowed me to sneak into mafia chat....well I didn't. Denim picked one post from their and provide came with a cost.
you guys would find it amusing to Know that I had no ability left to use after this... meaning I became vanilla with no abilities lmao
So I decided to go all out and planned to take tac down at any cost....when I realized that townie aren't believing me (especially final) I decided to claim and opt for deliberate mod kill to convince you all....
But at last minute denim stopped me and asked me to continue to play without mod kill as it can affect game balance...
That's when I started pleading you all to vote against tac....
After that everything I picked on was based on meta with no ability....
Like Bogard timing on tac vote like rej ,and his meta getting off when he sided with final baseless reasons and pushing up arguments against me and getting highly active especially after kiwi reveal
Or al getting panicked after kiwi claim (kiwi reveal actually helped get me reactions from scums)
Most difficult to pick scum was Al.....
Also, I think people say meta isn't everything...
But to me it's very important.
Meta isn't about how you played in previous games and how you playing in this game
But also about how you played on each day within a honest person meta won't flip flop... that's why I knew final was not scum because he has been consitent in weird assumptions and headcannon (though I wanted him out because he was affecting townie chance to win)